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Do you want to apply for the Site of the Week Award? If you do, you've come to the right spot! All you have to do is make sure that you fulfill the few rules below and fill out the form! Simple as pie. Here are the rules:

1. It MUST be a Passions site. It can be any kind of Passions site (general, fanfic, dedicated to one character, dedicated to one couple etc.)
2. Your site must be suitable for ALL Passions fans (meaning: no porn, excessive swearing etc.)
3. You can only apply once per week. Anyone submitting three or four applications per week will be disqualified: I will not lose your submissions!!

You can apply for this award along with other awards on my site (Site of the Month Award, regular awards). You can apply for Site of the Week Award each week - meaning, you can win it more than one week in a row. But keep in mind, I'm going to be fair about it!

If you win, I will post you on my main page for the entire week with a link. Its great publicity! So, just fill out the form below!

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Your full name:
Your email address:

Your site name and URL:

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