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Welcome to my spoiler page. This page is updated every week with the latest spoilers - so sit back and read on!

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TC is suspicious of Julian's actions. Ethan makes a choice between Gwen and Theresa. Sheridan has an answer for Luis' important question.

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Charity has a shocking visitor. Grace notices the dynamics between Eve and Julian. Beth pushes Antonio to elope with Sheridan.

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Antonio decides to surprise Sheridan with a wedding! Theresa gets a surprising phone call from Alistair. Kay chases one of the dancing babies!

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Sheridan is shocked when Antonio reveals his surprise! Liz arrives in Harmony. TC pressures Whitney about her tennis career.

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Beth makes sure Luis doesn't get Sheridan's phone call. Liz learns that Antonio is dying. Theresa reports for work at Crane Industries.

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Some of this information was taken from nbc.com.

Email me: ijess@hotmail.com