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Theresa, a born romantic, is the daughter of Pilar and Martin and sister of Antonio, Luis, Miguel, and Paloma. Theresa has been in love with Ethan Winthrop since she was a little girl and has always been determined to marry him. When Theresa went to work as Ivy Crane's assistant, she was able to spend more time with Ethan. Eventually, they developed a friendship, and soon Ethan fell in love with the beautiful dreamer. All of Theresa's fantasies came true when Ethan proposed to her. Unfortunately, in her quest to hold onto Ethan, Theresa told him one too many lies. One of these lies was the fact that she was pregnant with Julian Crane's baby. When her lies were all exposed, Ethan broke off the engagement. Theresa was devastated but has since been determined to win him back, no matter what she has to do. With Ethan's help during the delivery, Theresa gave birth to Julian's baby and is now the proud mother of Ethan Martin.

Ijess' Opinion: Ah yes. So many mixed feelings about this character. Most times, I can't stand her. She's great until a certain point then it just goes way overboard.

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Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald is portrayed by Lindsay Korman
Click here to go to Lindsay Korman's Official Website!

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