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Timmy is actually a doll which Tabitha sewed up. He came to life and became her quirky confidant and partner in crime. Timmy is always full of surprises and constantly getting into one jam after another. And of course, after a long day of scheming with Tabitha, he loves to relax with his own special concoction - a Martimmy! Much to Tabitha's chagrin, Timmy has a bit of a crush on Charity.

Ijess' Opinion: Who cannot like Timmy? No one! I think that he brings a little smile to everyone's face when he appears on the screen - and he has great chemistry with Tabitha...they are meant for each other!

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Timmy is portrayed by Josh Ryan Evans
Click here to go to Josh Ryan Evan's Official Website!

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Some of this information has been taken from nbc.com