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Whitney is the beautiful, talented daughter of TC and Eve and older sister of Simone. Whitney is a successful tennis player, and has been working her whole life to become an international tennis champion. Since Whitney's entire focus has always been on tennis, she never had time for boys in her life-that is, until she met Chad. While their initial meeting was inauspicious, sparks soon began to fly between the two. Eventually, Whitney admitted her feelings to Chad and the two have since committed to one another. However, Whitney is scared of hurting her sister Simone, who believes Chad is her boyfriend! Whitney is the best friend of Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. Practical Whitney is always trying to bring her dreamy friend back to reality.

Ijess' Opinion: For the longest time I was wishy washy about how I felt for Whitney. She's alright now - especially since she FINALLY admitted her feeling for Chad.

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Whitney Russell is portrayed by Brook Kerr

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Some of this information has been taken from nbc.com