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the Magical Dreams


August 22, 2010   

last night a storm blew in,

these wonderful Thunder beings

walking across the land,

big wind, lovely song..

so I brought in my plant


and when I awoke I had the distinct impression that in her sleep she had vibrated out of her body and was standing close to my head, which was at the other end.. and it felt as though she was watching me slumber..

Well then I went back to bed and dreamed a dream in which in the midst of the dream I went back to bed and dreamed a dream within the dream.. In this dream there was a man who seemed to always act as my escort, where ever I went he was there. He was very tall, at least 18 " taller than I and I remember feelings of being held gentle inside his embrace, and the feeling that when I spoke my words in soft whispers to him he cherished the ground I walked upon, and then again the soft feel of being held by him as every where I went he was there..

 I was out tending to the garden, looking around at my creation when I realized that when I looked up to the second story balcony of our place the plants had grown so thick that they had formed a beautiful canopy that made the deck very private, so I ran upstairs to see if it was as private on the inside as it appeared on the outside.. and thought I saw orchids growing on the deck..

About that time my grand daughter came along and was saying something about wanting something to eat, so told her that I would travel with her in search of food..

 at this point I realized I was bare breasted, tried to grab a pink shirt, but instead the shirt was plaid and would only button enough for me to go in search of food, so I button 3 buttons and told my companion the very tall indigenous long haired dark skinned man that we were going in search of food. The moment I stepped close to him, his arm automatically came around me to hold me in a gentle embrace, and I don't think he understood the effect his holding me this was having on me because I totally wanted to flirt with him, but he just held me and listened to my whispers like he was holding something sacred..

I awoke with my grand daughter and I traveling in search of food..

 and it was a short time later that I realized that I was inside the plant and she was dreaming me... I believe that i was seeing her world through her eyes, and the talk dark skinned man was a tree that held her in his embrace as she grew...

and I believe the reason I put the plaid shirt on to go in search of food was because she searched for food with her root...

 It was totally awesome... and I am so honored that she dreamed me, and I dreamed her..... I learned about her..... I am so touched, because I have been talking to her and photographing her in her splendor for 3 years.

I also think she was telling me that in her roots she looks for food where the mushrooms grow because the pizza we were looking for had mushrooms on it.


In a dream I found myself in place that was ancient,

more ancient than this world we know. 


It was a mansion with many rooms and I was only in one of the rooms.  In the center of this room was a large circular table.  I had been placed on top of the table.

Even though I knew I was in my 30’s, the ones standing in front of me were so ancient I felt like a little child sitting there, crossed legged, in the middle of that table listening to them talk amongst themselves about my progress and what should happen next in order that the vibration of love would begin to emerge within me. 

I saw through time how I was first a thought in their minds and that I had been created especially to vibrate a certain color of pink within the rainbow spectrum.  I saw how everything that had ever happened to me was all leading to the moment when from my spirit would emerge the pink ray of love, and how this ray of love would grow in its fullness. .

I listened to them talk for a while and then one, a male, in a long flowing robe stepped towards me.

  Just like a movie that plays in the theater, he held in his hand a living picture of the life I had already lived, the trials I had already been through and the progression of my growth. 

Then he began to show me what was about to take place.  “And this is what is going to happen to you next.  We believe this is what is needed in order for you to undergo the transformation that will bring about the emergence of the ray of love that we created you to emanate.”

There was almost a fear in his voice and his face was so grave that I could tell they were saying this was not going to be an easy road and they were acting like they were not even certain I would survive it.  I knew he was saying that this road would be far worse than anything I had ever experienced.  The pictures he was showing me were dark and shadowy and they were filled with terror and I was running away in fear for my life.   

In the dream, it didn't matter what was going to happen to me next.  I knew the special connection I had with them.  I knew that when I prayed they would send visions and dreams to show me that they had heard my prayer.  I knew they heard me when I cried.  I knew that when the darkness around me got too intense and I began to cry, they always sent a guide to point me back to the light. 

The only thing that mattered was their ultimate goal, that I should be a reflection of Love's light.

When he asked me if I accepted this challenge, I said yes.




