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Inside view



Sept 12,2009

Put in our reference map....


come on into the dining room.  Its the door where the slide is....  the first door goes into the kitchen, the second door goes into the dining room..  this is also where my car sits... like the view..

these are pictures from standing inside the dining room

click to enlarge

Oh look, this sun was this color at my old trailer, but I had to turn it into a green sun to match the paint

next on tour is the computer room...  I am still trying to determine what color to paint it....  yesterday I tested blue, yellow and purple...

click to enlarge

here's another, better picture of the fairie tree as seen from my computer desk, while I am sitting here making up this web page for you both... 

oh and here's a picture of the sun and moon setting in fairie tree

In the meantime I did paint the computer room and here is a couple pictures of my  room with a fresh coat of paint.... that is a big giant air conditioner/heater under that table.... and that table is for making jewelry... so we definately will be moving that heater out of this room.... this is my computer/art room... isn't that a pretty color of paint......  make me feel like I am sitting in the clouds.....  and my beading stuff looks real pretty with it...

next we head out to the living room / dining room combo.  we hurriedly painted on one coat, and did not get the ceilings painted and still have to paint all the trim to match that bathroom door....  should look really cool...

and yes I got lawn furniture in the living room... but wow it is a rocking chair and the babies love to be rocked in it when they are crying.....

well this page is getting quite long so I will show you the rest of the pictures on the next page  (believe me, you've seen the best now and most of the other rooms have not had any paint..  ceptin the color they were when I moved in....   obviously, as you will soon see, the people who lived here were into vivid colors.....  while I'm into cotton candy colors.....