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 with love,


Indian Prayer

for healing of the dimensional rift

This prayer began when I first found out the Grandmothers had gone to Rome,


"Wow, we should make big prayer join in prayer.. what a healing this would be, and so I forward for all to see.. so beautiful.. a collective joining energies as the Grandmothers present a sacred case, our spirituality is who we are, what a healing within the collective rift..

I who have scribed so tenderly over the years the parallels of ours and theirs, who have touched each the sacred heart, and have danced in the places where our spirituality overlaps to walk hand in hand, join now in prayer for the healing of this collective rift.. All my love, all my love, all my love, Celeste'l m Maureen Deering""

then transmuted

 into this prayer song

when I heard that the

meeting with the Pope had been canceled..


Friday, July 11, 2008
by Train

"I need a sign to let me know you're here
All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere
I need to know that things are gonna look up
Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup
When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you can feel the world shake from the words that I said

And I'm calling all angels
And I'm calling all you angels

And I won't give up if you don't give up
I won't give up if you don't give up
I won't give up if you don't give up
I won't give up if you don't give up

I need a sign to let me know you're here
Cause my tv set just keeps it all from being clear
I want a reason for the way things have to be
I need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me

And I'm calling all angels
And I'm calling all you angels

When children have to play inside so they don't disappear
While private eyes solve marriage lies cause we dont talk for years
And football teams are kissing queens and losing sight of having dreams
In a world where all we want is only what we want untill it's ours

And I'm calling all angels
And I'm calling all you angels
And I'm calling all angels
(I won't give up if you don't give up)
And I'm calling all you angels
(I won't give up if you don't give up)
Calling all you angels
(I won't give up if you don't give up)
Calling all you angels
(I won't give up if you don't give up)
Calling all you angels"


please join me in singing this song, lets bring the angels down. Love is the power that uplifts and makes changes in this world we know.. I will call all the angels I know, and you call all the angels you know, and we'll ask of them to walk with the Grandmothers through Rome.


This is Celeste.. calling Home... I am calling all the angels, whose hearts turn softly to hear my song, to open up the path before the 13 Grandmothers who now wait in Rome.. You know my heart, how long I sat there staring through the illusion of time listening to the ones who wept within the nightmare, and how I wept for them in their tears as traveling even further back I watch a sacred heart come and go, watched his message get crucified by those who wore the white robes and used his message to buy an army, and issue a decree "Everyone must walk like me" while others within the nightmare wept and cried, loud tears going forth, trying to make sense of the insanity of being told they now had to travel against the flow of everything they held as sacred.. an Earth Mother song.. You know my heart, in this place I have wept and prayed..

and watched through time a new collective energy grow.. so beautiful I know.. angels coming down to hear the sound of this love song we are now singing together.. So hear us now as we pray for healing to come within this wound, dimensional tear..

I'm calling all you angels to walk with the Grandmothers there in the place of mending the dimensional tear.. Let them know I wont give up, you don't give up.. let them know there is a multitude of angels walking with them there weavers through the sands of time, we are the ones who make the new song, and in making the new song, we make the changes to come.

all my love, all my love, all my love,

And without realizing, this prayer then becomes

071208  the Seashell dream

There is this pretty little shell that I have had for about a year and when these shells are hung together they make the prettiest little song when the wind blows through them.

So the other night I strung 3 of them up together and tied them to the side of my bed so as I moved around I could hear them singing in my sleep..

Went to bed and found myself in ocean deep staring at what appeared to be a sunken war ship, while the animals around me were explaining that there were many of these killing machines laying around within their waters, telling me that whatever was in these killing machine when it sunk wound up leeching into their waters and polluting their once pure and pristine areas where they used to swim..

And I woke up with sadness, thinking how will we ever clean that up?

.. heal the wound caused by that dimensional tear..


..Thought of Millennium and his tears..

I send my love unto the waters


still dreaming ocean dream (during nap) This time I am watching the beautiful dance of a huge octopus, and hearing its song in its dance which I am finding reminiscent of the whale song.. only song is different in octopus song, the song matches the graceful movements of the octopus legs..

the next second I am watching it struggle within the net that has caught it.. and the next second I am watching from below the water as it is being hoisted into the air....

And inside the dream alls I can think to do or say is begin to sing, and "I ii i, calling all you angels.. and I ii i, calling all you angels.."

I won't give up, you don't give up

I wont give up, you don't give up

"I ii i, calling all you angels.. and I ii i, calling all you angels.."

being here in this place is reminding me of when I went through the River Ouachita loves Misty Mountain vision.. that day when the River he called me to him.. and I ran to him to find a spirit whale there singing me its song, which lead to a dream in which I followed their song all the way to their home world.. (see bottom pictures on this page,

As I made this journey of discovery, my Misty Mountain loves Gentle Rolling Thunder River Song, there was a man whose heart cried out to me for help. And I did the only thing I could think to do, as far as medicine goes, I took from what was happening then and shared my Misty Mountain loves Gentle Rolling Thunder River love song.

By this time I had already passed through the part where momma explained to me that a dream I had in 2003 was a dream from before I was in the world of solid. She told me that before the time of the dream I was a Misty Mountain in spirit who loved listening to the Thunder Beings.

So this was when I began going to the Hubble site looking see if I could find any pictures of what I looked like as Misty Mountain... and it was while doing this that I had the following dream:

April 3, 2007

Just now wake up dancing in the big surf... like Hubble pictures all around me, I am looking through the Universe.. and all the ones who manifested here on Earth are dancing to call out to me as I dance on by.... mesmerized.. sanctified.. purified.... made holy in their love as they reach out to touch me with their memories.... and a love song calls as I continue my journey through the Universe of all the ones who manifested on the Earth, who came for the Great Touch, showing me, touching me with their Universes before time, singing to me the song of their creation.. here into a world of our creation, I travel on towards the sound of the song that has been calling to me since yesterday..... to find in space and sacred song the Universe from whence come the whale mating song...

I am mesmerized
made holy
by this touch...

they showed me this picture that the Hubble space craft took of them....

I was so touched to see them standing there looking at me like that.... so much love they were sending to me in their song....

through Millennium's episong..

so beautiful..

the dance

to dance

with Universe..

Wow, I just can't believe they came to my dreams to sing to me!

like that...




I know there is a reason my sacred relations are calling to me now..

Calling all you angels...


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Still swimming in this sea of love.. dancing between singing Calling all the Angels, and listening a love song... right now I can hear a love song, and am traveling closer so I can hear more.....

I wont give up

you don't give up

I wont give up

you don't give up\

I need a sign

to let me know you hear..

All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere
I need to know that things are gonna look up
Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup


Friday, July 18, 2008
Seashell dream.. 3 EAGLES.. and 13 Grandmothers

I continued swimming through the ocean deep, headed in the direction of the sound of the song I heard being sung.. Passing through moments when my heart would cry... and I I,I,I, calling all you angels to moments when I would just be swimming towards the sound of the love song, to back again singing I wont give up, you don't give up, I need a sign" and reflecting on what felt like the oddity that one second I am sending up this prayer song for the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers in Rome and the next second I am swimming in the ocean watching an octopus with all of its beautiful arms, and gentle song being pulled into a net that no matter how much it struggles it cannot break free.. to hearing a song off in the distance, and traveling from weeping eyes and singing heart "Calling all you Angels" I travel on through the sea until I see up ahead a whale singing a song, calling out to me as I am calling out inside the deep..

Oh dance divine, the moment we touched without touching, water covering the space between us, I began the swirl, down by your tail, and I am huge but smaller than you as I am now a whale, and the swirl, to touch without touching but feeling our touch through the water in the space between us as I am making my half circle dance around your body, feelng all of this love for you in the space between us, from my head to my tail, I jump out of the ocean deep singing, and I... I... I .I'm calling all you angels... We need a sign to let us know you hear... I wont give up, you don't give up........

Get to work and a customer calls in explaining how he moved and needs a new number.. so I am updating his address, and he now lives on Eagle Pass.... and I was like wow..

and then I am, flipping through his pages to update his address in the places and somehow I see an address where it said his old address was Eagle Circle.... so I was like wow (and he said that was his Florida address)

And then much later, almost at the end of the night, a guy calls in and needs some help sending pictures.. So I am sitting there giving him the instructions for the updates, and looking into his acct as we are waiting for the update to finish I see that his address is Eagle Pass...

and I am like wow, "that's the 3rd Eagle address tonight I have seen"

and he starts telling me well there is a symbol behind the Eagle showing up.. that he doesn't remember what it is but he thinks it's strength or courage or something..

So I tell him, Or if your Indian it is a sign that Great Spirit has heard your prayer...

Then I had to tell him about the 13 indigenous Grandmothers in Rome, how they had went to go stand before the Pope and ask him to take back what they said and declare all people equal (that in 1400 the Roman Catholic Church had declared Indians to be less than human) and how the appointment they had to stand before the Pope had gotten canceled, so now they were sitting in the circle praying and dancing..... and for a whole I had been singing my prayer in song "Calling all you Angels"

And now Great Spirit had sent the Sign to let me.. us.. know our prayers have been heard... 3 Eagles circling overhead..

and this guys last name was White..

3 Eagles.. Circle and Pass over..

I've sent my prayer for the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers in Rome..

Calling All You Angels

Calling all you Angels

I have stood before the Heavenly Throne

and have made my prayer known.
