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Plastic Shaman


“The Laws of Nature are the Laws of God.  If any one tells you any different, they are wrong.”

The laws of the Mother are the laws of the Father and this is how we walk upon this Earth by walking One with our Mother.  If you see an action in someone else and can find it's corresponding signature in Nature, let it be.  It has a right to exists as such.. This does not mean you have to live there, or follow what they are saying as if it is the letter of the law, just let it be for it is okay.  But if the words that the people are saying cannot be found in Nature, do not believe them for they are wrong.  This is how she taught me to walk upon this Earth.


It's funny the difference.  I never even thought, in this life I would get to stand next to the Indian heart.  I was sent here to walk through the white heart, and gather their pearls..  When I walked through the Christian sector, uhh, I think your wrong on your interpretation.. but now that I am here standing next to the Indian heart, the only thing I can do is just look at him and say, "I just love you so very much."

I hear this talk of the plastic shaman, the arguments presented against those who sell their spirituality, those who would be given the precious knowledge of how make the sacred Sweat Lodge, and how to hold Ceremony there, and then sell the medicine (the gift that they received of this knowledge) for $50.00 per person...  I hear that talk.

But this is what momma says to me.  Momma says, there are no plastic Shamans.  There are only my children, and we are all on this journey together with Father.  I look inside the heart of those who seek.  I do not see them from the standpoint of they paid $50 at the door, so they will such and such from me, or nothing from me..

I see them for their hearts, for the place where they are on their journey upon my body.  They are all my children.  there are on plastic shamans.

She said, "Sometimes my children on the good red road hold themselves so far away from all the colors of the (and then she gives me a picture of a symbol.  It is a circle with a plus sign through it, only each leg of the plus sign was a different color, red, yellow black and white, and that each color represented a color on the medicine wheel, but I do not know the same of this symbol) that no one can much come  to stand beside there heart and learn the sacred walk upon my body (because sometimes my children of the good red road hold themselves so far away from all the other colors of the wheel of medicine, the 4 directions, the 4 colors.

Then she showed me a picture of the rain coming down, showed me the rain touching  her body and the effects through time of every thing it touched.  She said, "In this world of 3d, the world of the solid, it is by sharing we grow.  it is the natural order of exchanged that is passed forward (she shows me a picture of the plant growing because of the rain sharing itself with the plant) the creates the illusion of a system giving something in exchange for something else.  And she said that this is part of the natural order, even though it is not required that it be a cash exchange.

She said that so many of the people who came from the road of the White heart, the ones whose heart turned with tenderness toward the good Red road, once lived and walked as the full blood Indian before this time when not so many can carry the full blood.

She said that they made a pact with their Indian ancestors to incarnate back in through the white blood to help open the path to the memory of the sacred walk upon my body.

She said that right now, in this world of the 3d it is walked with a monetary exchange. 

She said,  'These of my children who are seeking out the honor to stand once again next to the Indian heart they love so much, many in this world of the 3d feel like they have to pay the $50.  and when they enter into the womb of my hearth, all I see are my Indian babies trying to find their way back to the heart of a people who so many have forgotten, WE ARE ONE.

There is medicine in each color of the road (the circle + 4 directions, 4 colors), she said,

There are no plastic shaman.  there are 4 directions, 4 colors on the circle+  Each one has purpose and each one has meaning.  Each one to be given honor.  this is how we walked the good Red Road in the days of old upon the medicine path.  The 'new madness' took over as the 3d became so solid.  this path through the solid is only temporary, illusion.  the path we are moving to is of the old way, the original way, when lessons were looked for in all 4 directions and colors of the (circle plus) were all honored as the learning path.  In this place there are no plastic shaman, only my family, the children of the 4 directions.  3d (world of solid) is the place of our journey now.

No plastic shaman upon my body where the rules for walking through the 3d has safely been written.

She tells me no follow this belief.

