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 with love,





we are lonely for the ones who understands our song.


Maybe the people do not know how it is that they are creating this world.  This is the vision that was given to Maureen in her youth, that told her how we create a world, this world we know.

All of our thoughts go up from our heads, every single one of them, goes up from our heads as energy signatures.  These energy signatures automatically group together in like thoughts

In a way, you could identify these thought forms in the same manner one could identify a tree, or a flower, or a body of water, would that their reflection followed the natural order of the laws that were written for us upon the Earths body.

But in the separation, in becoming deeply submerged in a 3rd dimensional reality, it is my belief that Father appeared so far away from us, that he seemed unattainable, and Mother, well she was right here to walk all over.

Those stories, those myths those legends, that was us in a time when we were not so submerged in a 3 dimensional world.  We stood there and watched those Thunder Beings march across the Earth, and we were mesmerized, and in love with his great power, so we ran out to greet him, and he saw us standing there.   He took us to be his bride and made us to be with child, his child, our child., love child.. Heyoka..

And that place where we sat there with those 6 arms, MULTI-TASKING.... before our great submerging into a 3rd dimensional world..

It was our desire to touch more deeply the him - her of the universe we knew was a part of us, our opposites who we touched in spirit body, who we made love to in spirit body.  we wanted to touch.  In the place where spirit body we could feel his spirit body running through us, we wanted to touch.  He wanted to touch her.  She wanted to touch him, and so we decided we would submerge ourselves in a 3rd dimensional reality, in a place where we could touch, in a place where we could make love through time.

we created this world, this world of solid matter, this place where we could touch and make love to our him and her, to our yin and yang, to our polar opposites, our manifestation of the male energy and the female energy.  We wanted to touch.  We wanted to touch the trees and the the water.  We wanted to touch the mountain peaks and the depths of the ocean floor.  We wanted to see the power of a quiet wind becoming a raging storm.

dedicated to Father Sky and Mother Earth

this is their song.