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                                                E- Bookstore


Every University needs a bookstore and A Prophetic University has one too, and it's FREE !!!  The books listed are highly recommended!!  It'll be time well spent.  E-Books will be added as we find them.  Know of any?  Tell us about them!!




  THE TRIBULATIONAL SAINTS --   by Jeff Forrester

COULD YOU BE ONE?   Learn about what happens to Christians during the Tribulation.  All of their experiences are not the same.  Find out who the Two Witnesses, the 144,000, The Manchild, and the Woman in the Wilderness are!  Not your usual treatise on these subjects. 


   The Day of The Lord Is At Hand -- by Binyamin Baruch

2000 YEARS AGO YAHSHUA CAME, yet the religious leaders of the day missed their hour of visitation, having misunderstood Bible prophecy. Today the last days church in America is making the same mistake. Once again, Yahshua has raised up voices in the wilderness to speak the truth. This is their account!


  THE RAPTURE, THE TRIBULATION, AND YOU --  by Jefferson A.Forrester

A Fresh And Timely Point Of View   WHAT IS MEANT BY THE "LAST DAY"?  WHAT IS "THE OUTER DARKNESS" ?  WHO ARE REALLY "LEFT BEHIND" ? Much had been said about these topics. What you will find within these pages, is NOT THE USUAL predominate teaching, but a clear, concise, understanding of these fascinating, but highly misunderstood topics.


Welcome to Restoring the Vision of the End Times Church  Restoring the Vision  by Vern Kuenzi

"Restoring the Vision" is an uncompromising call to victory through endurance and potential martyrdom for a church at the end of this age destined to demonstrate the wisdom of Yahweh (the cross of Yahshua) to the powers and authorities in the heavenly places. This is not a message of "gloom and doom" but rather of ultimate JOY and VICTORY.


  THE THREE BEASTS OF REVELATION  By Jefferson A. Forrester.

The Unholy Trinity !   A provocative look into controversial topics of Revelation.  Hold on to your hats during this ride into the "Apocalypse".   WHO IS THE FALSE PROPHET IS THE ANTICHRIST, SATAN  WHAT IS THE "ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION" ?     WHAT IS THE "IMAGE OF THE BEAST"?    IS AMERICA IN THE BIBLE ?     WHAT IS THE "GREAT LIE" ?   You only thought you knew the answers to these questions!!!






