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           Let the light of God's Word Shine into your soul.  It needs it!!!


The Director of  " Prophetic University" has chosen courses that will shine light into that part of you that needs some Illumination.  And it's not from the Illuminati.

You won't find these courses in any Christian University.  They are too hot to handle, and don't fit in with their standard doctrine.  These courses will require you to challenge what you believe and why you believe what you believe.  If you're not up to the challenge, they are not for you.  But, if you are up to the challenge, then you will enjoy the delightful experience of searching for THE TRUTH !!!

AS FOR THE TEACHERS who will be teaching you and help guide you with that search, they are not your usual Professors.

They too, have been hand picked to be on the faculty.  They did not ask to be a part of this University.  They were chosen because of their proven willingness to search for and teach things that do not make people comfortable, nor will they tickle your ears.

They by participating, do so with great humility, and devotion to help prepare those who want to prepare, for the difficult times ahead.

They are giving there time and resources and valuable insight, without monetary gain or fame.  They are here for you.

You can view their profiles to maybe get to know them a little, for the Internet, can be an impersonal domain.

Their credentials to teach, are not based on their academic achievements or lack of, but based on their calling from God, which is evidenced by their teaching, their motives and their love for THE TRUTH !!

And I thank them for their willingness to undergo persecution to teach to the few that want to learn what God has showed them, putting monetary  rewards and fame on the list of priorities where they belong.

They are not novices, unskilled in the discernment of righteousness, but able to teach with the ability God gave them to do so!

And they give all praise, glory and honor to God.

They know of the seriousness of the issues that they speak, and do not take it lightly.  Especially when it comes to things about the "Book of Revelation".



" For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

  And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly: Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus."    Revelations 22:18-21


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