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                    WELCOME TO THE "A PROPHETIC

                    UNIVERSITY'S"    TEACHER'S PROFILE   



                                          FOR  JEFFERSON A. FORRESTER



                 AGE:                  49 Years Young

                 HOMETOWN:       Golden, Colorado

                 DEGREES:           Word To The World Bible College

                                          Graduated 1986- Pastoral and Counseling  Degree

                 OCCUPATION:      Minister, Author;  Former Pastor

                 HOBBIES:             Golfing, Snowmobiling, Fishing, Studying The Word

                 WEBSITES:          The Tribulational InstituteA Transformer Magazine;

                                           A Armageddon News NetworkA Prophetic University

                                           The Institute For Tribulational Studies

                                           WEBRINGS: Post Tribulation and New World

                                           Order  Webring;   Armageddon News Network Webring;

                                            Post Tribulation  A and New World Order Studies Webring

                 COMMENTS:         I will try my best to teach you what I believe the Lord

                                           has  shown me.  My prayer is that it will help you under-

                                           stand the Endtimes, and help you prepare for them!!  


                  MORE INFO:       CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON JEFF 


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