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Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

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Body Oxygen + Royal Jelly. This is a unique enzyme-active yeast that revitalizes and regulates the body, encouraging a self-healing process to begin by stimulating the body’s functions into healthy activity. Body Oxygen liquid yeast development was based on the scientific proposition that if a body’s cellular respiratory functions maintain balance and harmony, then no serious illness could occur. Body Oxygen’s thin-walled active yeast cells boost the number of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract by providing a nourishing environment and being easily digestible. This keeps disease-causing bacteria in cheek and strengthens the body’s immune system. Body Oxygen yeast is the living strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and is not to be confused or associated with the negative yeast strain Candida albicans.

Body Oxygen, made naturally from live yeast cells, fresh apple, lemon and grapefruit juices, and from wheat germ extract, is the brainchild of Dr. Siegfried Wolz (West Germany). His product has been endorsed by doctors all over the world as a superb tonic. Body Oxygen is used in spas and health resorts in treatment of patients suffering from depression, chronic fatigue, various skin diseases, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, ALS, and many other health disorders. One of Body Oxygen’s most enthusiastic supporters is Doctor Serge Jurasunas, who prescribes it to many of his patients at a natural medicine clinic in Lisbon, Portugal. He says it has made a tremendous difference to the general well-being of people suffering from even the most serious of diseases. Long-time Food Physiologist, J.E. LaTour (Sherman Oaks, California) has been recommending Body Oxygen to many clients, including well-known Hollywood celebrities and professional athletes. He says that with continued usage of Body Oxygen, the client experiences improved sense of physical and mental balance, men report increased libido, men and women notice a much nicer complexion (skin becomes suppler and smoother). Through the combination of well - proven Body Oxygen with fresh Royal Jelly (bee’s active substance complex) there is a further potentising of the biogenic stimulation of the body cells.


Important Note on Body Oxygen

Body Oxygen has proved its worth against environmental poisons for over 30 years. The wide variety of investigations and experiences made the following statements necessary.
Quotation From Folk Medicine
"Over the last 30 years, the spate of harmful and carcinogenic substance in
the breathing air and in foodstuffs has increased abruptly, and synthetic
chemicals have turned into an inexhaustible reservoir of toxic and
carcinogenic substances. Of five million registered chemicals the population
comes into contact with 70,000, and 20,000 to 27,000 are carcinogenic.
Saffitoti of the WHO (World Health Organization) states that 7,000 of
63,000 chemical substances cause cancer. The high degree of civilization
and engineering progress takes for a correspondingly high toll, and
maintenance and recovery of health have become more difficult and more

This is because every disturbance in physiological cell metabolism due to chemical (toxic), physical (mechanic) or biological (pathogens) influences results in an inflammation.
This inflammation is complex in nature and includes the blood and the lymphatic system, the connective tissue and more or less the entire body.
Such disturbances lead to various infections in specific cell systems.

    1.) latent infection,
    2.) tolerated infection and
    3.) occult infection.
These inflammations in the partial range bring about a metabolic situation that has very adverse effects on the immune system.
Today, many people have hidden (latent) inflammations that lead to severe chronic disorders after a certain time. The discovery of such fields of disturbance is therefore extremely important.
BODY OXYGEN was examined under the electron microscope and contains very small, thin-skinned young yeast cells rich in enzymes. These very small young yeast cells are capable of discovering latent inflammations (fields of disturbance) because some of these cells reach the diseased organs, where a hidden (latent) inflammation is present, via the circulation.
Pineapple enzymes - also called bromelains - together with Body Oxygen improve blood flow by elimination of the latent foci of inflammation. The cells and the affected tissue can again be supplied with high-oxygen blood.


Body Oxygen for biological spare parts

Body Oxygen has been used along with dietary adjustments to treat a wide range of metabolic disorders. Its universal usage stems from the fact that the young yeast cells in the Body Oxygen preparation have been specially cultivated in an oxygen-rich environment to produce thousands of small thin-membraned packages containing nutrients, micronutrients and enzymes. These nutrients are almost identical replications of the various biological substances which occur naturally in the cells of a human body. When it starts to slow down, Body Oxygen is used as a completely natural preparation of biological “spare parts’ which the body can make use of as needed. The micro-thin, fragile cell walls of the young yeast cells are easily digested by the body’s digestive enzymes to yield 17 vitamins, 14 minerals, 20 amino acids and more precious molecules such as glutathione, co-enzyme A and ATP which play critical roles in energy metabolism and detoxification. The rationale behind the use of Body Oxygen revolves around an appreciation of how important it is to have optimum gastro-intestinal function, oxygen utilization and detoxification by the body. A daily dose of one to three vials of Body Oxygen is enough to boost the growth of the friendly microflora that live in the bowel but which are destroyed after taking antibiotics or other chemical agents. The destruction of these important microorganisms by antibiotics is one of the main reasons for the overgrowth of candida albicans (thrush). Recolonization of the gut can be affected by supplementing with lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacteria bifidum and Body Oxygen (which supplies the nutrients for the regrowth of the microflora.)


There is a close relationship between the mucosal surface of the gastrointestinal tract and the skin. Delayed clearance of waste material from the bowel increases the chance of the skin being used as an organ for detoxification and hence, the increased risk of skin disorders. With a healthy bowel comes healthy skin. This is demonstrated by German research showing the favorable effect of Body Oxygen on various skin disorders including acne vulgaris, psoriasis and eczemas. Body Oxygen definitely improves the health and beauty of our complexion.