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my journey

this page is where i post all of my attempts to find a girlfriend.

march 2nd, 2001
here is an e-mail that i wrote to a girl who's webpage i found.

subject: nice page

hey, i really like your page and thought that you were a really pretty gurl. i was just wondering if a girl like you would ever consider going out with a guy like me (a picture is attached). i know that you dont know me, but maybe we could get to know each other better first or something.


check out her webpage.  she is very beautiful.  she responded to my message!!!

Subject:  Re: nice page
Date:  2 Mar 2001 04:18:19 -0500

Hey Joe,
Thanks for your e-mail, I totally appreciate it! Where are you from? California? Well, hope to hear from you soon!
<3, Morgan

she is very beautiful and she wrote back to me!  this could be a bit easier than i thought!!!

no, actually i am from delaware. my mother and i were discussing where to go on a trip and i was all for california! it seems like such a cool state and i have never been there before. in 3 days i will be 17 years old! i cant wait! maybe if i went to california over the summer we could meet up or something. that would be soooooo cool because i dont know anyone in california and wouldnt be able to find my way around.  hope to hear from you soon!


at this rate ill have an internet girlfriend and if i go to california id get to meet her!!!  thatd be great!! 

march 9th
as stated in my web log on march 5th she didn't write back so ive moved on.  i am now writing to shana star.  i found her webpage and wrote to her.  here is her page and here is the email.

Subject: Star!

I was looking at your page and thought that you were AWESOME! I loved your singing and thought that you were very beautiful! I wrote a poem about you:

there is a girl
named shana star
in life I believe
she'll go really far
with her singing her song
and writing her fiction
she wants us all to get along
and end racial friction!
she is a princess
with out a prince
i saw her page tuesday
and have been back everyday since!

i hope that you liked it. people tell me that i'm clever at typing poetry. attached is a picture of me, i want to be your prince charming!

-joe schwartz

girls love poetry so she should write back instantly!

march 28nd, 2001
she never wrote back oh well i now  have a personal ad at!  click here for it!!!

april 1st, 2001
i have  a new personal ad at yahoo so i can check my personals email and see if u girls are all writing to me but its not up yet i will post it when it is.  a girl wrote to me!  here is her email to me

Subject:  hey sexy
Date:  Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:55:25 EST
i saw ur page and gosh , ur really hot!!!! i would love to go to the  prom
with u, when is it??? gosh,  please write me back


george <3

i was like hey why would a guy want to go to the prom with me if your name is george?  i didnt get to respond b4 she wrote again

Subject:  hey baby
Date:  Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:58:09 EST
you havent writtin back yet, that makes me sad, well please do, byebye, i
love u


i didnt get to b/c i was at school but i responded to the next one she sends.

Subject:  hey
Date:  Fri, 30 Mar 2001 13:02:21 EST

i jus read ur page about girls, well i enjoyed it, oh yeah i forgot to tell u, im a girl, but my name is george please dont make fun of my name

ps. heres my pic

wow isnt she beautiful?  i didnt think it was really her at first tho and i wrote back this

Subject: Re: Hey

i havent been home ive been at school all day and i doubt thats your pic b/c it is titled chick1.jpg so you probably got it off of some site

here is what she wrote back

Subject:  Re: hey
Date:  Fri, 30 Mar 2001 16:07:02 EST

Im a chick,and it was my first pic taken of me. Fine,if you dont believe me,thats OK. But you had your chance,mister "I know how to treat the ladies".

i responded b/c it really was her and i felt sort of bad

Subject: Re: hey

no no no i believe you


Subject:  Re: hey
Date:  Fri, 30 Mar 2001 16:29:21 EST

OK ;] I live in Delaware too. We should meet with each other ;D


Subject: Re: hey

we probably should whereabouts do you live


Subject:  Re: hey
Date:  Fri, 30 Mar 2001 16:40:44 EST

Im shy....I'd probably be too scared to meet you ;x


Subject: Re: hey

why would you be too scared to meet me?

she has not written back yet but she probably will soon

april 3rd, 2001
george wrote back today and sent me another picture!!!!

wow she is very pretty!  from now on though i think that girls should send me pics of themselves with "i love joe" signs!  thatd be cool.  here is a note that i wrote to rachel brown in study hall.  i put it in her locker when i used a bathroom pass.

dear rachel
hello you are very beautiful and i would like to go out with you
you have nice soft brown hair and big beautiful eyes that are very pretty
you also are one of the coolest people that ive ever met
i never liked anyone like i like you
from your secret admirer

 i didnt tell her it was from me because i have a plan figured o ut where i will write her a lot of notes until she is really curious about who the secret admirer is and really really  REALLY wants to know who it is then ill hint at it until she figures it out!!!  its foolproof!

april 6th, 2001
You can find my new personal ad
HERE!!!  Go there now!!!



