Hello, my name is Joe Schwartz, and  I'm 17 year old male residing in a small town in Delaware.  I'm easy-going, I like to have fun, and, did I mention that I'm searching for my true love?  This web site is the best and the worst of my search.  It's been a long, hard one, and it will continue to be.  Many people go through lives without finding their true lives, and my goal is to not be one of those people!  I will not rest until I have succeeded!


Love Log <-Updated 5/11/2001!!!

Opinions On Girls
My Journey
Love Quotes
My Poems

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Copyright Joseph P. Schwartz
This page was used using Angelfire, a little help from Frontpages, and HTML... Language of the Gods!!!!

Send me some love!!!: WiZardMan84@hotmail.com