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It's gotten me into trouble. 

It's given me public humiliation.

It's even caused my mother to get me sent to psychotherapy.

What could it be, you ask?

It's Joe's Love Shack!

For those of you who don't know, my name is Joe Schwartz, and I'm looking for the one good thing, True Love. I know that it sounds ridiculous, so you don't need to tell me.  I know that I'm not the best looking man on the planet, but who is?  Please try to keep all discouraging comments to yourself, but feel free to give me constructive criticism.

I know that this site is not a common idea.  I know that it's not conventional.  Please refrain from giving me advice.  You may think that you know it all, but you don't, and you're not impressing anyone.

I do not have too many pictures.  Besides my school picture, the logo, and one more; I have nothing scanned.

This site's layout is not impressive yet.  I  hope that it will be someday, but I do most of this in Notepad.  Content > Form.

Please, enjoy your stay.

Because I'm finally back on the web.  And nothing's going to stop me now.

The Site