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Wednesday, 12 Jan 05 - Birthday Blahs

Looking around, I see it's time to dust off some cobwebs in here. It's been over a year since I've updated, and sadly I'm not the thin person I was supposed to be by now. In fact, I started dating my current boyfriend and I quit caring what I eat, and now I'm higher than I've been in a really long time.

I was really hoping to be at my goal weight by my 30th birthday. Now I'm hoping to get below 210 by then. I turn 30 on the 20th (next Thursday) and I still haven't really come to terms with it. I've been trying to cut back what I eat and exercise more (yes, again) but it seems like motivation isn't my strong suit these days.

However, I have not given up. It takes smokers an average of quitting 7 times before it finally sticks. I figure that figure can be used for changing the way I eat and exercise. As long as I don't give up, it'll stick eventually!

So I'm back to focusing on drinking more water and less soda. I'm trying to get a gym membership at the local Y because they have financial aid available and I can't afford a gym membership elsewhere. Trying to eat less (notice I didn't say healthier, I'm starting with less. That's the key problem I'm having these days.)

So, here we go again. I'm hoping to update my facts and figures in the next few days, but for now I just wanted to put in an update so I have a place to keep my current information.

-jynx |



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fitness chart



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