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Knitting for Sanity
Monday, July 11, 2005
Start a new blog
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Welcome to the blog
Welcome. Yeah, I started blogging again. I actually missed it. I am trying out angelfire's blogger utility. Nothing wrong with the one I was on before. Just trying something new.

For those of you who don't know me, I am a middle aged, twice married, mother of 2, intelligent, scientist, sole family income, stressed out, craft oriented, regular person. I don't suffer fools well, but was raised with enough manners to just ignore the idiots rather than stir up a lot of trouble. In real life that is - on this blog I will vent my frustration with any who cross me. Which is a large number of people lately.

Insights into my personality - I really am a shy person, but I have developed this coping mechanism/persona of a type A driven go-getter that most people think is the real me. My husband gets me - how many people can say that!

I absolutely adore the thrill of creating fabric from string and sticks. I knit as an outlet for my creativity. I am not as prolific as many you might find blogging on the internet, but it brings me immense pleasure.

I enjoy gourmet cooking and watch the Food Network religiously. I have become very creative in my cooking and have learned to layer flavors and break away from recipes.

My husband and I are embarking on an extraordinary journey to improve our health. We are taking it slow with the help of an absolutely fabulous nutritionist. We eat much better than before, though we have not given up all of our bad eating habits yet.

Current News: Vacation begins in 18 days! One week away from all the stress in a beautiful condo. I am STOKED! God - does anyone still say that? OH - We got a kitten a week ago! Her name is CHAOS. I'll post pics soon. She is so sweet - a true lap cat. She goes to her first vet visit (with us) this afternoon. She has already been spayed.

Other news: The teen wonder has a job interview on Tuesday at the local hospital (she has a CNA).

Knitting news: Making a simple but elegant shawl using Bernat Matrix (railroad track yarn). Just a simple garter stitch triangle on big needles. Size 8 is big for me. I knit very loosely and usually have to use needles 2 sizes smaller than called for in most patterns. I am a third of the way through the last of 4 balls of this stuff. It will look really nice WHEN MY HUSBAND TAKES ME OUT TO A DRESS UP - SIT DOWN RESTAURANT AND/OR SHOW ON OUR VACATION. I am not a big fan of this type of yarn. I like working with real yarn. This stuff makes you watch what you are doing or it slips right off the needles.

Next up knitting: There are many things I want to make and lots of UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) or half-done projects, but I want to make sweaters for the precious grandsons. I found a pattern in one of my books (Variations by Patricia somebody british - no offense) that I like and has sizes from 1 year to large adult. The pattern is a drop shoulder pullover with a placket and button front - lots of textured stitches. Not only can I make the boys (Justin was 2 in May and Caleb is now 9 months old) matching sweaters, I can also use up significant stash yarn as the version of the sweater I will make uses 4 different colors. I am anxious to start them, but am forcing myself to finish the shawl first.

Oh yeah - I will of course take along sock yarn when I go on vacation. Because summer is sock knitting time, after all.

Posted by journal2/knittingforsanity at 10:36 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, July 11, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
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