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01/01/01 - 10:30pm

Don't call it a comeback..I've been here for years

Yes, I'm back, from the dead some may, but only from a mental respite and holiday induced state of familial and work madness.  I could not even begin to try and summarize and catch up on all that I've missed on telling everyone about, but I shall try by giving Reader's Digest versions of the last month and half's evernts, then maybe going into greater detail at a later point, if the situation or event presents itself as prevalent again.

Todays date presents the first in a numerologist's wet dream of dates.  The first of only 12 times this millenium where this will occur, you're smart, you can figure it out, very little dwelling necessary, but at least a cursory mention for those of you couldn't see the significance of it all.

First, and most importantly, I have gotten to spend some wonderful (but never enough) quality time with my sweet angel.  Some afternoon movie watchings, some deep and necessary conversations, some late night dates, some sensual, passionate moments, never enough, but each another step in the progress down life's path together, each a brick in rebuilding and strenghtening our forever together.  Is is possible to fall deeper in love with someone with each passing moment?  A question I'd often wondered about, but one that she has shown me is not only possible, but is truly the most wonderful feeling in the world.  Thank you sweetheart, into this new decade, and the true new millenium, our journey both begins and continues towards the eventual destiny that we both know and feel.

Next, the holidays, good and bad, celebratory time induced madness of family bonding, corporate merchandising masking true meanings that only a few truly capture and notice.  My birthday, spent with her, wonderful, beautiful, amazing, and truly special as usual.  Thanksgiving was spent with friends of friends, alone in a crowd, with dinner, a couple of drinks, and a fairly early night home, but still without the one I most wanted to celebrate it with.  Christmas, spent with family galore, featuring the good, bad and ugly of the holidays (details coming in the Fugue project which I am frighteningly far behind on), a holiday tainted by the consistent inepititude of a certain delivery company (who is anything less than *United* in its *Service* of  my *Parcels*) who ruined my only TWO Xmas deliveries this year, but made up for by time with family (which did become too much at points), too much driving, not enough time with my angel but which did culminate, in my New Years, spent alone in body, but with a special few hours with her, followed by a relaxing evening at home while others ran hither and yon like heads with their chickens cut off.  I do not miss the madness, but prefer the bond of spirits while relaxing and calming into it all.  The highlight of the evening was sharing the gift opening of the finally arrived packages between her and I, she gave the only surprise, and the greatest gift of all (her time, her love, her thought, and her smile at my gifts to her)...thank you always..forever, I love you.

Now for the bad parts of the time passed.  I now hate snow.  I always said I was never going outside when the temperature got below my age, but as I've crept forward through time, I now would be homebound whenever it dipped below freezing *smirk*, but this is just too much.  The temp has been above that hallowed mark ONCE in the past 42 days, this is getting ridiculous indeed.  A white Christmas by default isnt necessarily the way I wanted to have, but it still works.  Every 3-4 days, we get snow, every night, we get obscenely cold temps, rude winds, and idiotic people who still believe in defying gravity.  All in all, I yearn for sweating too much (outdoors, she already makes me sweat enough indoors *wink*) and running the A/C too often.

The election is over, I don't have to move to Vancouver to open a sporting goods store.  Somewhere, the founding fathers are spinning their graves like a 6-yr old child on a sugar high with a top, why do I know who Katherine Harris is, why do I know what a chad is, and its prevelance towards maternity and acne.  All gone, all in the past, wake up America, unite, agreed or not, and move forward and learn from it all.  Bush won, get over it!

With this schedule, my movie watching has taken a hit, seeing only 4 movies the final month of the year, bringing my final total to 114, and closing out easily one the worst cinematic years in recent memory.  More rants to come when my Top 10 ( a struggle to find) and Bottom 10 (a struggle to not overload) come out after this weekends hopeful viewings of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Traffic and Quills.  Stay tuned.

Finally, my physical condition took a hit, by going through a nasty cold, getting better around my birthday, then kicking into a harbor seal rendition of bronchitis, which is still lingering slightly, but has introduced me the wonders of codeine (natures timeout for your brain).  Overall, I worked about 8 days out of 20 some this month, and am still having a hard time getting back into the mindset of dealing with these incompetent yo-yo's (yes, that fee for being late is valid since it was there AFTER the date)..but alas, the time will come when I can throw down that headset, fire up this glorified word processor, crank out my reviews, and then spend the evenings basking and bathing in her love *sigh*..

Just an update now, no resolutions, as they are only preset broken promises we make to ourselves.  Only a vow to do my best each day, rebuild myself for her, love myself and her a bit more, and follow forever's destiny. Onward, upward, forward..into the odyssey we blindly, and hopefully wander.

I'm gonna take this itty bitty world by storm...and I'm just gettin warm

Lyrics courtesy of Mama Said Knock U Out - LL Cool J, 1990

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