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Dear Alicia

Silence - the absence of those words, which I try to use, but sometimes do so incorrectly, or inappropriately. 

It’s what is required, and I believe desired, now.  Torturous, yet necessary when there’s nothing more that can be said, I understand, and respect that.


Seconds into minutes

Minutes into hours

Hours into days

Each moment passes, irretrievable yet valuable and unappreciated by most

Cherish them, make the best of them, for they are the thread that bonds your life; yet they can be the ticks that haunt your every fiber of being

My head hurts

My heart aches

I am struck into silence, a victim and prisoner of time, as we all are.  But  nowhere even remotely near what she's going through, so I won't even begin to make any kind of emotional comparisons, so I will do what I can, and do what she wishes.  Be here, be me, live on, and keep my thoughts, prayers and good wishes in her direction as I take care of myself and my life, while caring, worrying, wishing and hoping, I do. She knows it. She knows I'm here, she knows how I feel, and she knows where to find me when she needs me.  She wishes me, us, to keep living, to keep being.  It's the best thing we can do, along with sending every good thought, hope, dream and prayer in her direction.  Okay angel. it   


“ you wish”


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