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06/11/01 - 11:30 pm

Dear Alicia

Sometimes, I am ashamed of the world that I know, the existence that I inhabit and my place in all of it.  Granted, I may just be a small piece of an infintessimally large puzzle, but I do my part, or at least I try, and while I may not always succeed, it does give me a right to rant, comment, judge and even lambaste (as my last acidic commentary proved) those things and people which for one reason or another do not make sense, or make me weep for the present and future of it all.  A child who goes unidentified for over 2 months now, a ruthless killer whose live was prolonged far too long, and a studio generating false publicity in a world already based around make-believe escapism.  What do these all have in common? Very little actually, except that they are soon to be the subject of my rants of the sadness of reality.  

Dateline: Kansas City, Missouri - April 28, 2001 - The headless body of a young girl is found in an alley, as the days pass and the head is found, the girls identity remains a mystery.  Now, almost 2 months later, after reconstructive photographs and 2 airings on America's Most Wanted, her identity and her killer(s) remain..unknown.

This has been a frightening and chilling dose of reality that has galvanized this town that I live in, generating sadness, anger, frustration and a sad statement about how much we pay attention to the faces around us.  There is an insightful passage in the otherwise forgettable Keanu Reeves movie The Watcher that deals with this.  It talks about how sometimes we are so stacked up on top of ourselves, that we don't even see those around us.  We can pass the same people everyday, but would we notice if we did not see them?  Of course not, because we are all so caught up in keeping up, getting by and surviving, that the details, large and small, escape our visual perspective, until we are slammed back into reality with something such as this.  The most chilling aspect of this whole case and incident is that every day that passes draws me closer to believing something that I really don't want to think.  If a young girl is missing, you'd think the parents would notice, UNLESS, it was the parents who were responsible for it in the first place.  That is a topic that I don't even want to approach.  How could those who were so blessed as to bring a life into this world, turn around and take it back again, let alone the ruthless and brutal nature of her disappearance.  But the fact remains, there has been, and continues to be, a national hunt for the identities of the girl, and her killers, and despite numerous leads and prospects, the mystery continues on, and I weep. I weep for the parents, if they are responsible for the murder, I weep for them if they are not, and just are so fucking oblivious to things that they don't notice their child missing (an unthinkable prospect, but amidst everything else, one I must at least mention), and I weep for the innocent life that was cut short for reasons that we may never know, and will certainly never understand or justify.

Coming tomorrow: Part 2 - The Quest for Justice - Has it been served? Was it just and right? Why did it take so long?

Questions, Comments, Criticisms, anyone there?? - Email Me

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