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Soundtrack: Kryptonite, Genie in a Bottle, Low, Closer, Something to Believe In

Visuals: The Big Kahuna, my hallway lights, the parking lot lights peeking through my blinds

Time: 12:30 am

If I go crazy, then will you still call me Superman, if I'm alive and well, will you be there, holding my hand

Who am I?  A simple question, six letters, with a myriad of possible responses.  I headached over how to start my first foray into the world of online journals, and decided that an introduction, and overview of me would be the best way.  So basically, I’m just gonna open up my head, and see what falls out.  Beware, maddening, incoherent ramblings head.  Put on your helmet and buckle up

Who Am I – When doing biographies, or background information, most people sound like a personal ad, or beauty pageant contestant.  Are we really defined by our age, physical description, what we do, where we’ve been?  Can we really just be reduced to a series of adjectives and nouns?  I don’t think so, but for those who are curious, here’s a little intro, before I go any further (do you love me, will ya love me foreeevvverrr….let me sleep on baby let me sleep on it)

Name:  Jerauld (only my drill sergeant, mother and my Kat can call me that, so everyone else beware (sign your name, across my heart, I want you to be my baaabbby) I go by Jerry, Jer, Jerbear, Uncle, Cuz, Lil Brother, depending on your relation to me

Age:  32, born December 6, 1967, a child of the 80s, and lover of most culture that resided during that decade.

Occupation:  For now, I answer phones for a major credit card company (that narrows it down eh?)  But ultimately, I am going to get paid to combine my two passions in life, see below

I’ve lived in Nevada (7 years) England (2 years) Georgia (11/2 years)  and have traveled/been to 38 states, and 7 countries.  I still want to goto Seattle, New York and New Orleans, oh, and Amsterdam and Italy too, maybe even Australia (except not for that Survivor fiasco) (Im gonna try with all my might…to make this storyline come true..I can feel you tremble when we touch..)

I love movies, I love writing, I love my Kat.  My desire is to be with her, forever, while getting paid to see movies, and write my opinions about them.  For now, I could be classified as an aspiring writer (meaning, as a high and mighty cohort of my now defunct OFCS membership, that I write now, but hope to get paid for it someday)

I love chocolate, rainstorms, the sound of a childs laughter, the smell of freshly baked cookies on a morning when you don’t have to goto work, hitting my snooze button more times than I should, spending time with my Kat (noticing a theme here?) making love with her, the mental and physical stimulation that we share..and other things that will come to me as these entries go on.

I love driving places, sometimes for a reason, sometimes just for the heck of it. I love trivial information, can spout useless movie info about anything after 1977

I hate lying, stealing, mind games (although I have not been a perfect example, being guilty of these things which I detest) emory boards, people who don’t pull up all the way at gas pumps, stupidity (or shall I say, ignorance of facts that readily accessible) I hate myself, for what I do, what I say, what I feel, what I don’t do, what I can’t do, why I can’t do it.

I suffer from insomnia, chronic migraines, mild manic depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and an incredible high metabolism, which makes it difficult for me to gain weight.  I am a packrat, a procrastinating perfectionist, I love football season, I love the Oscars, though I rarely agree with them (Cate Blanchett, Star Wars best picture, Haley Joel, tsk tsk Academy)

Okay, the facts, adjectives and nouns are out of the way, now, we delve in deeper inside, into what really makes up who we are.  The random thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, wants, needs and such. 

I am at a point in my life right now, of crossroads, of enlightenment, of rediscovering who I am.  Realizing that all of my life, I have been living to please other people.  I’ve always wanted everyone to like me, I’ve always wanted to fit in, but never did.  I’ve never liked myself, I have terribly low self esteem, I look in the mirror in the mornings, and don’t like what I see.  I have everything I want in front of me, and just now realize it.  Why was I looking around before, why was I lying to myself, why and how, did I ever hurt her, the sweetest, kindest, gentlest, smartest, sexiest soul that this planet has ever created.  What was I searching for?  What am I searching for? What do I want?  I want happiness, desire, passion, intelligence, I need it, I crave, I hunger for it.  Yet, when it stares me right in the face, I can’t accept it.  I looked for more, I held on tight to her, but saw the other things around me, and wondered what they had, how do I get it, can I have that with her?  Of course I can, but WHY!!  Why am I a fool.  Why did I hide things from her, why was I afraid to show who I really am.  Because I’m afraid that people won’t like me.  I’m afraid and disgusted by the things that go through my head.  The feelings that flow through my body.  I felt unnatural, like I would be judged.  The madness, the energy, the anger, the confusion, that runs through my veins.  I want her, I love her, my heart aches when I’m without her.  But my fear, my hiding parts of myself, not showing all of me to her, thinking for her, thinking I knew how she would react, without ever giving her the chance that she deserved.  Unfair.  Wrong.  Now, on the cusp of a new beginning, a beginning with no fears of what anyone thinks, of being completely open, completely honest, of hoping, taking it step by step with her, opening those doors, discovering whats behind them, and not being afraid to show the world what I am.  What I feel, what I think, what I feel, what I want, what I am.  The mistakes I’ve made, my passions, my desires, what makes me laugh, what makes me cry.

The maddening echo of confusion screams across the silence at me everyday.  It is the both the fuel and the albatross of my soul.  Where am I going?  I don’t know, but, to quote Cecil B. Demented “I have a vision” What do I want, I know that too.  Does she want me still, I hope so, I dream so, if only my words could tell her.  She consumes me, but I can’t show her, at least I don’t feel that I can.  Its so simple.  She asks so little.  Honesty, openness, easy enough.  Say what you feel, say what you want, say what you need, say what you do.  Open and shut case.  Then why, oh freaking why, is it so difficult for me to do.  Is it because I don’t understand what I feel, so that I cannot communicate them?  Is it because I am afraid of them?

God..the echoes are back..the screaming is there, the pain is ever present.  What do I do? Where do I go?  Where will tomorrow take me, take us *sigh

I don’t know.

Will I ever know, the fear of the unknown is my greatest.  Greater than my fear of heights, snakes and needles.  Right now, I don’t know who I am.  I do know what I want.  I do know how to get it.  Now, begins my journey towards doing that.

Who am I? You ask?

I don't know

Stay tuned..the journey inside is just beginning
