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Visuals: Lightning, thunder, the intermittent darkness

Soundtrack: the sounds of natures power, fury and passion

Time: 9:30 pm

I should be writing my paper for class, I should be doing a million things, yet only only one thing matters. My love, my angel, my everything. I sit here in my rain induced mood, I love the rain by the way. Is there something wrong with me? The clouds, the grey, the cool, the smell, the sound, the aura and electricity of it all. So encompassing, so broad, yet so fitting and effective of my mood. The cold and grey of the darkness which my soul resides, the clouds of doubt and unknown that pervade my every existence except one, the lightning and thunder of the energy and passion that she brings out in me, and the rain..mmmm..the rain, so wet, so free, falling caressing, dancing across my skin, as her touch and love does over my heart. Carrying things too far? Maybe, but whose to say what excess is when it comes to your own feelings and emotions. Maybe she’s right, the two Sobe’s (Lightning and Karma) do energize your soul, but maybe they also bring out, and enhance those already existing emotions and then personify them in ways that your body wants to, but just normally cannot. Maybe it’s time for a third before our date *crash of thunder, flash of lightning*, is that my answer?? Maybe there are other sources which enhance and communicate our emotions and inhibitions better than we ever can. The words of a song say it so perfectly. I’m off to lay in the middle of the floor, door open, rain tickling my heart, her love warming my soul, the coolness, the beauty, the power, the aura of the storm overwhelming me.


Well, I know it's kind of late
I hope I didn't wake you
But what I got to say can't wait
I know you'd understand
Every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

Yeah, I know it's kind of strange
But every time I'm near you
I just run out of things to say
I know you'd understand
Every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

Every time the time was right
All the words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

(Lyrics by Jim Croce, 1999©)

I love you my Katarina, with every beat of my heart, every breath from my lips, every touch from your lips, every moment that draws us closer, always, forever, the only thing i know, the only thing i want, the only thing i need.