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10/20/00 - 8:30pm - the various jazz stylings of 106.5

All She Wants..

"be happy Jerbear..for me..don't let my gloom drag you down, I need to see your smile"

I shall be her happiness..when she is down

I shall be light..when things are most dark

I shall be her smile..when she can't find her own

I shall be her love..when she needs it the most

For so long, she has been all these things, and so much more to me..she has been there for me through so much, shared happiness, and pain, good times and bad, mistakes I've made, memories we've shared, tears we cried, laughs until we've hurt, passion unending, desire unmeasured, love unforgettable, forever. her deepest time of her search for her happiness again, in that journey for that which has blessed so many, but that she deserves so much..whatever she asks..I shall do

I love you my AngelKat..I hope the guys, and Mr Santana, and the weekend, are the dose of rejuvination that you need..and that my glow, knowing that I'm helping you..will play a small part in things, at least. I miss it..your happiness, your giggle, your kiss, your touch, your hugs, your gentle way which touch and caress my soul with your very existence..I'm here baby..I always have been..I always will be

Until soon