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Project Fourteen - The January Project

Freewrite (choose one or more of the following words and go with it): 
one, new, begin


Fleeing children

She would be 34 years old today.
She was so full of light and potential when she entered the world.
She was an angel from birth.
She never got the chance to realize who and what she could have been.
The reasons she’s not here in body no longer matter.
Her spirit will live on, through me, and through those who love her.
She never got the chance to see so many things.

-         Man walking on the moon
-         The taste of her first birthday cake
-         The confusing war in Vietnam
-         The joy of her first day of school
-         The questionable antics of Richard Nixon
-         Being picked on, and subsequently protected by 2 older brothers
-         The 200th birthday of a nation whose morals have been in steady decline ever since
-         The warmth of the sun, and the jubilation of summer vacations
-         The birth, and guilty pleasure, of cable television
-         The silly fun of dancing to cheesy 80’s music
-         The smell of fresh baked cookies, and the taste of hot cocoa on a cold winters day
-         The mystery and pain of a fathers abandonment
-         The family bonding that ensued because of it
-         The first days of middle school and high school, big brother always watching
-         The horror of Jonestown Guyana, presidential assassinations, and the Challenger disaster
-         The feeling of a first kiss
-         Falling in love, and having her heart broken, being consoled by an understanding family
-         Ringing in New Years, and new decades, with promise and hope abundant in each one
-         The worry, turned patriotic jubilation of celebrating one brothers return from Desert Storm
-         Watching with hopeful pride as one brother overcomes a handicap, while another strives with potential to find himself
-         Family reunions and get togethers
-         The amazement at learning and seeing new things

Her life cut short, but her spirit lives on, inside me, forever.
She is inside me, above me, watching over me.
Through me she will see, feel, touch, taste, and love those things which she never got the chance to.
This realization is a new beginning.
This new year, century and decade begin with her where she’s always been, but with me now realizing.

There is an angel in my life, who will always be there. 
Failure, or success, happiness or sad, feeling things she never could, seeing things she always wanted.
The past, I will recant through my letters to her, the future, she will live, see and breathe through me.
Every future is potential; the key is not in realizing, but in doing something with it.
The path to forever is predestined, invisible and unveiled only upon each step

Everyday, I think about what could have been, but also realize what can be.
Eyes that never opened, will see the world through mine.
Ears that never heard, will absorb reality through mine.
A soul that never felt, will live forever through me.
She has guided me, sight unseen, through life’s travails and will continue to.
She will watch over me, guiding me when necessary.
She will let me learn painful lessons, when they benefit me.
As payment for her being my angel, she will live the life she never got, through me.
Her soul has left a permanent imprint on min.
I awaken to the realization that her touch has always been on my life.

I miss you Alicia, I miss my big sister. 
Happy Birthday
She would have been 34 years old today

(click on pictures to enlarge)

She may be the face I can't forget, a trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings, may be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things, within the measure of a day
She may be the beauty or the beast, may be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams, a smile reflected in a stream
She may be the love that cannot hope to last, may come to me from shadows of the past
That I'll remember till the day I die
She may be the reason I survive, the why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years
Me I'll take her laughter and her tears, and make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be, the meaning of my life is

(She (1999) - performed by Elvis Costello, lyrics by Charles Aznavour and Herbert Kretzmer)

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