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Okay, here is my official Super Bowl prognostication.  First of all, I'm watching this game, because it's tradition, because its the best thing on, and because of the commercials.  No other reason. This is the least interesting Super Bowl that there has been in years, easily.  Add into that the fact that it has the chance to be a pitcher's defensive duel, and the anticipation factor for anyone outside of the upper Eastern seaboard is probably pretty low.  That being said, here is my amateur analysis.  

Everyone is making the big deal about the Ravens defense, who set a record for the lowest point total given up in a season, and how dominant they will be.  But I think the keys to the game are going to be the Giants ability to establish a running game, or to strike early on their secondary and make them come from behind (something they haven't really had to do this year).  The Ravens offense must establish the running game as well, because this will open up Dilfer for the play action.  If Jamal Lewis is shut down, this could be a long game for them.  He opens the middle for Sharpe, and if they have to play come from behind, this one could be over early.  

I see the Giants striking first, a long pass play from Collins to Toomer probably, and getting an early touchdown.  By halftime, I see them up 10-6.  Then, look for the Ravens defense to take over.  I see one offensive touchdown for them, setup by the defense, and another one possibly by the defense.  The Giants will make it into Ravens territory again, but be foiled, and I see a 20-13 Ravens win.  Personally, I'm gonna join in, in spirit, with G and Kat for their fiesta, and cheer for some good commercials.

Images courtesy of the National Football League, and

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