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I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time

In My Words

- Journal

- Poetry

- ramblings

- The Fugue

- Who Am I?

- Mail Me

In Other Words

- Lyrics and Inspirations

- links and contributions

It was a dark and stormy night..nah, that’s not right, actually it was probably a brisk wintery December day here in Kansas, when my eyes were first opened upon the world, and ever since, I have been observing, noticing, commenting at times, after much consideration. Probably why I didnt say my first words until I was almost 4, (always told my mom that I didn’t have anything to say..but she says I waited so long to talk and havent shut up since, oh well, such is life.

My childhood was fairly normal, 18 years, small Midwestern social upbringing Arkansas City, Kansas (pop. 13,201 (saaaalute), complete with my share of friends and memories (more stories then I could ever share, just get me going on a roll sometime, you’ll be begging me to hush up), then during my senior year of high school, during that initial "what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life" phase..(of course many of us are still having those deep into our late 20s, early 30s), when I knew only one thing for sure..I wanted out! I didnt know where, I didnt know how, but knew I wanted to go. I knew that the only way to accomplish this was either the Air Force (which I enlisted in early) or college (which I was offered several scholoarships for, after the fact and found out later that I could have accepted and got out of my Air Force commitment..but alas that is how I ended up serving Uncle Sam for the next 8 years, 3 months and 2 days (not that I was counting or anything).

It was (to quote the Grateful Dead) a long, strange trip indeed. A trip that took me to LasVegas for 5 years (including a lovely 7 month stint at the world’s largest beach party, also known as Operation Desert Shield/Storm) then off to England (near London) where I spent the next 2 years, touring castles, visiting pubs, learning London (Great place!!) and oh yeah, a little work while I was there as well. After that, I was given a choice (if you can call it that) of my next locale..Grand Forks, North Dakota (brrrrr), Boise, Idaho (zzzzz) or Valdosta, Georgia (yikes, but the lesser of the evils, so that is where I ended up). It was, to say the least, an experience, (those Jeff Foxworthy references are not jokes, he is just telling what he sees). Finally in September of 1994, disenchanted, and tiring of small town life, I decided my time in the military was done. I cannot complain too much about my time in, it did give me some education, a chance to see the world (38 states, 5 countries, all by the age of 26) and I did meet some wonderful people. Most of all, it got me out of Kansas, and forced me to grow up and taught me some wonderful life lessons (which I will not bore you with, but you will probably deduce, if you read my writings enough).

From there, I ended up back in Las Vegas, doing my one favorite passions in life, movies. I managed a small video store, until it went bankrupt (bad ownership), followed by a series of small jobs, until I latched on as an assistant manager at Hollywood Video. After a year and a half of that, Vegas became too much, the town moves very fast, if you stop to look back and assess your location against it all, it will run you over. So now, I have stepped back, come back to my roots, to reassess, find myself and what I want to do, and then move forward. After a stint as a Release Analyst at CCH (a long, boring description, not really worth the space, but basically, a computer grunt) 

I have reloacted to Kansas City and am employed as a phone answering slave at Citibank and am working towards my Bachelors Degree in Film Studies at the University of Kansas, to take my aspiring writer status to new heights, and hopefully get paid to write about movies.  I have done some soul searching and discovered that I do not really know who I am, so I am now slowly but surely rediscovering who I am and what I want to be.

Anything else? Questions, comments, criticisms....just ask! Thank you and keep coming back

That which does not kill you, makes you stronger"- Voltaire