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Delta Of Venus

Locked inside every woman is the same secret place...

The place where fantasy is born...

Her Delta Of Venus...


Perched on the edge of a cliff, she was hunger and flesh...

Caught by the light, she refused to relent...

Deeper she plunges, time standing still...

She abandoned herself to the emotion...


He penetrated her very being, her innermost thoughts...

He is in her being for good...

She had once written to him, "you have given me the world"...

It's true, he had...

He had opened her eyes, her ears, her mind, her heart...

From now on nothing could keep her from creating...

For good or bad, she knew she was capable of many loves...


There it is, it is a heart beating...

If i move this person knows it...

If i drop away this person feels it...

I exist in him...

That is life, there is something there...


Excerpts from the movie "Delta of Venus"



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