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Trulely Cruelty Free Animal Shelter

Hi. I am Elizabeth Allen. Please Call me Liz. I need to inform all of you well meaning people out there of a horrible thing. PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Yes the Oh so well know group is doing something horrid and hypocritical. They Are Killing thousands of animals every year. They have been asked about this and some of the reports consit basicly of "It is a lot of money to actualy care for these animals instead of killing them." Another one of there excuses is that "Alot of these animals are broken beings and euthisia is the most humane way." For More info on this go to. I am very disgusted by the acts of PETA personally. I belive they are making it so that they should be the people that they are prosocuting not the restruants who are not vegitarin. I am going to try and start a completly cruelty free shelter/sanctuary now. I know I can't start this second for I have not the money nor the man power but I have about three acres of land to work with and I am sure going to try to get one going before I turn 16. So that gives me two years. If you need any information on anything or would like to ask me anything or have a report of an abused animal or would like to help please e-mail me at the adress below. Sincerly, Elizabeth Allen

My Favorite Animals

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Elftown-A great little comunity
My Elftown House
My Book of poetry
