Hello all you funky people, and welcome to the Caption Center! This
is where I post the caption of the week, and where you can send and view
other captions made by people just like you! This week's caption...
"The Cartoon Network logo is making fun of me and Sandrock's been laughing at me!"
"Guys! Can you please stop with the anal probe!" -Erin
Quatre: That was great Noin, but don't you think you should let these straps off of me now? Noin: *Runs away, selfdestructs Sandrock, and laughs evily yelling...* I RAPED QUATRE! -Q2
"TROWA!" Pantsman
"No! Not that! Please! Stop with the Richard Simmons tapes!" -Erin
"Trowa? You were cheating on me that whole time...? ...with Duo?" T.D. Knife
"OOOOWWW! I bit my tongue! Hurts really bad! Think I got a scab!" -Erin
"uhnnnn.. i think i got hemmorhoids again.... ::THPHPTHPTPTHHTHPTH::" -Supa Vegeta