Trowa da Klown: Hi, my name's Trowa. I'm from the University of Delaware, and I'm conducting an interviews based on people's interests to post on a website.
FawneyeZ32: k
Trowa da Klown: So, you play sports. What type of sports?
FawneyeZ32: soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball
Trowa da Klown: Ah. What do you think of female athletes in the field of Tennis?
FawneyeZ32: the younger williams is better
FawneyeZ32: and the ana kournakovia chick gets publicity only cuz she is cute
FawneyeZ32: she has never won
Trowa da Klown: What do you think of female athletes in the field of hardcore mud wrestling?
FawneyeZ32: lol never seen it or heard of it
FawneyeZ32: but what ever floats ur boat
Trowa da Klown: Do you think, 100 years from now, monkeys (or robots) will be doing the athletic work of humans?
FawneyeZ32: nope, well possibly robots, but nothing can truely replace a human worker, except for the process would be faster
Trowa da Klown: So monkeys should just stick to flinging crap at each other?
FawneyeZ32: monkeys are very inteligent and i think the have uses people dont see, they can be educated quickly
FawneyeZ32: it just makes it tough for them to let humans know they can comminicate, though they can sign if taught
Trowa da Klown: So monkeys may rule the world, just as "Planet of the Apes" said they would?
FawneyeZ32: nope
FawneyeZ32: wont happen
Trowa da Klown: Do you dream in color, or black and white?
FawneyeZ32: wow, i never thought about that, i honestly dont know, my memories of dreams are color
Trowa da Klown: you ever dream of monkeys?
FawneyeZ32: nope
Trowa da Klown: Do you feel attracted to apes sexually?
FawneyeZ32: haha hell no
Trowa da Klown: Okay, how about midgets in tutus?
FawneyeZ32: haha nope
FawneyeZ32: though that lil thing sounds familiar, midgets and tutus
Trowa da Klown: How about midgets in tutus with monkies on their head?
FawneyeZ32: nope sorry
Trowa da Klown: Do you have good memory?
FawneyeZ32: kinda
Trowa da Klown: Do you remember farts?
FawneyeZ32: no
Trowa da Klown: Do you keep dead bodies in your basement?
FawneyeZ32: nope, do u?
Trowa da Klown: Sometimes, but they smell.
FawneyeZ32: i see
Trowa da Klown: Do you keep a collection of feces in a jars, collected from generations ago in your family?
FawneyeZ32: nope, that died out years ago lol
Trowa da Klown: Do you believe in the rumors that Cher found the fountain of youth?
FawneyeZ32: nope, otherwise she wouldnt look so old
Trowa da Klown: Do you believe aliens live in the silicone in her chest?
FawneyeZ32: naw, theyre in britant spears lol
Trowa da Klown: ....are you one of them?
FawneyeZ32: ya u caught me
Trowa da Klown: Dog is to suicide as pineapple is to....?
FawneyeZ32: plasure
Trowa da Klown: If humans and monkeys had children, what would be the result?
FawneyeZ32: tiger woods
Trowa da Klown: What would a live without Asian people be like?
Trowa da Klown: *Ilife
FawneyeZ32: americans would be working for 5cents an hr instead, and thered be no pokemon
Trowa da Klown: In your opinion, is god a man or a woman?
FawneyeZ32: man
Trowa da Klown: What ethnic background do you think god would be?
FawneyeZ32: swirl
Trowa da Klown: God gay, or strait?
FawneyeZ32: hes a swinger
Trowa da Klown: ....Is god Michael Jackson?
FawneyeZ32: hahah nope
Trowa da Klown: Al Gore and Bush, who do you root for?
FawneyeZ32: bush
Trowa da Klown: Why do you think Al Gore seems so bitter? Is it penis envy?
FawneyeZ32: yup
Trowa da Klown: What do you think of viagra?
FawneyeZ32: i must be going now, feel free to ask me questions again
FawneyeZ32: what ever makes a guy happy
FawneyeZ32: bye bye
Trowa da Klown: Bye.