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Fleece Blankets

                            When the leaves turn to gold in Vermont it starts getting cold. The 
                            winters can be brutal.  When you get to be my age the old bones creak 
                            and hurt with the climate. I make "no sew" fleece blankets (throws) that 
                            warms the body instantly.  Below are the simple steps to make one. It 
                            only takes about 3 hours to create something that you will love to wrap 
                            up in on a cold winter's night. They make wonderful gifts as well.

            Step One
You will need 2 yds of plain and
2 yards of patterned fleece that
measures about 60" wide.  If you
want a long blanket for a twin
bed then go with 3 yards of each.

           Step Two
Each piece of your fabric will 
have two sides of selvage.  You
will have to cut them off.  Try
to cut a straight line, it doesnt
have to be perfect but keep it
as straight as you can.

            Step Three
Now put your fabrics together. Be sure you have them equal lengths all around. If your pattern has a brighter side make sure that is the side that is facing up. Now pin the material together and cut 4 inch squares out of each corner. I use an acrylic template for this but a simple 4" square made out of an old cereral box will work too.

            Step Four
Once you have your two pieces of fabric pinned together and you have cut 4" squares out of each corner, then you commence cutting strips about 3/4" wide and 4" long along the edges beginning at one corner. Tie the strips together in a double knot as you go. You will do this all around the blanket until it is finished. Do not stretch the material anymore than is necessary to make the ties. If you want longer fringe on your blanket then you should cut the corners in 5" squares and make your cuts 5" long around.

            Step Five
You have now cut and tied down one side to your second corner. Simply keep it as straight as you can and turn to start to go down the other side. You continue this way until you have finished going all around the blanket. Remember not to pull too tightly on the strips as you tie.

            Step Six
Now you have fringed all around the
blanket, it is time to take all the
pins out and step back and admire
your finished product. That wasn't
so bad now was it? And so warm!


Click on banner to visit my favorite fleece store.