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Batease Family Album Page 2


1. Sallie (Westcott)Batease and her two sons, Archie (left) Arthur (right) 2. Unknown Batease woman 3. Sallie (Westcott) Batease (left) Elizabeth (Goodspeed) Batease (right) 4. Judah Batease and wife Elizabeth (Goodspeed) 5. Sitting: Judah Batease, wife Elizabeth Standing: Judah's sister 6. Sarah Ida Batease (dau. of Joseph Batease) 7. Ira Batease and wife Sallie (Westcott) 8. Sitting left: Sallie (Westcott) Batease, wife of Ira. Sitting right: Charles Batease (brother) Standing left: Either John T. or Joseph A. Batease Standing center: scratched out - unknown Standing right: Ira Batease (the men all brothers) 9. One of Joseph's daughters or granddaughter. Making her sister or niece to the men in picture 8.
If you can identify any of the unknown people
 in these photos, please email me.  If you have
 Batease photos to add send them to me as well.

Many thanks to Dr. Alex Stone (desc. of Judah Batease) for
sending pictures from his family album.