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The Healing Process Begins...

If You Are Faint Hearted Please
Do Not View The Pictures

Below are various stages in my healing 
from surgery.  It is not my intent to
shock or disgust anyone, nor expose myself.
What I am trying to do is show the healing
process, let other women see what is to be
expected so they can better be prepared.
Only a woman can understand how devastating
this is to our feminity.  Perhaps sharing
my experience and seeing the worst through
healing will help another woman cope and
be prepared to deal with this traumatic 

What you are seeing is two weeks after surgery.
The staples are out.  The wound has been debrided
of all dead tissue.  You can see a cavern that
has to be irrigated twice a day.  This will 
slowly heal from inside out closing the gap.

Also remember each woman is different in size,
shape and in healing.  I am a diabetic so my
healing will be slower.