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Lorrie and Breast Cancer


In Loving Memory of
Alberta Batease Haskins,
my mother, who died at
age 39 of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer -the two words that put fear into every
woman's heart. I am keeping an online journal of my
fight with this dreaded disease to share with you.
Let me begin with telling you that already I have gone
through panic, fear, denial, anger, crying jags, self-
pity and acceptance. Once through all these emotions,
I am ready to fight with a positive attitude.

          Feb 14, 2002  Discovered by accident lump in 
                        upper right of right breast
          Feb 15, 2002  Called my GYN for an appointment.
          Feb 25, 2002  Manual exam by my GYN, lump confirmed.
                        Referred to surgeon.
          Feb 28, 2002  Mammogram both breasts, sonogram right
                        breast, chest xray.
          Mar 06, 2002  Surgeon confirms its breast cancer.
                        Size of lump 3 centimeters. Stage 2.
          Mar 07, 2002  Pre-op bloodwork, and physical by my 
                        GP for ok for surgery.
          Mar 12, 2002  Lumpectomy at 10:00 a.m., home by 
                        1:30 p.m.
          Mar 22, 2002  Surgeon confirms its cancer, aggressive 
                        rather than hormonal.
                        Did not get a clean perimeter from dye 
                        test, referred to Oncologist.
          Mar 26, 2002  Initial mtg with Oncologist to discuss
                        options for further surgery.  Cat scan 
                        scheduled.  Appointment with another 
                        surgeon made.
          Apr 04, 2002  Visiting nurse took more blood work, left 
                        lab slips and drinks for scan.
          Apr 08, 2002  My 59th birthday, cat scan at a different
                        hospital.  And the surprise of my life 
                        when an old friend from 42 years ago called
                        the hospital to cheer me on. *Smiling*
          Apr 16, 2002  Met new surgeon, discussed options, surgery 
                        scheduled for modified radical. Results of
                        cat scan "normal", but taking whole breast 
                        and nodes under arm.
          Apr 23, 2002  Hospital for Pre-Op tests, chest x-ray,
                        blood work, EKG and orientation.
          Apr 29, 2002  Note from Lorrie's Daughter-
                        I got home at 7:00 pm.
                        Lorrie went in surgery and she did well
                        The surgery took about an hour and a half.
                        Lorrie is sore , but that is to be expected.
                        Lorrie is all ok and doing well.
                        Thank God she is ok .
                        The Dr said she might be home tomorrow
                        I want to thank you for all your support and prayers.
          Apr 30, 2002  Note from Lorrie's Daughter-
                        Lorrie is doing good.She is sore, but they
                        are giving her meds to ease the pain.If she
                        is doing better today then she might be home tomorrow.
                        I will keep you all up dated .
          May 01, 2002  Note from Lorrie's Daughter-
                        My mom is suposed to come home today. She is tired 
                        and sore. I will let you all know when she is home.
                        I also will let you know how she is doing once she 
                        is home. I will be going to her house and keeping 
                        in touch with her on the phone daily. I will keep 
                        you all updated. 
          May 02, 2002  Yes I am home, in much pain.  They took the zip
                        out of me.  But they think they got it all. Hard
                        to type so this is short.  Have developed blisters
                        across my back from bandage.  Apparently I am allergic
                        or have delicate skin. 
                        I rec'd another surprise when an old school chum of 41 years
                        ago showed up at the hospital.  She and I spent a couple of
                        hours "catching up" and it was grand to see her again.
          May 07, 2002  The dr took the drain out today. The report 
                        on the biopsy showed the perimeter of the 
                        breast wall is clean.  The dr got all of 
                        the cancer.  Out of 27 nodes removed from 
                        under the arm, one showed cancer cells. The 
                        staples come out next week, at which time 
                        scheduling for chemo therapy begins. 
          May 08, 2002  Today is my "operation blues" day.
                        Letting the tears flow.  I have so
                        many wonderful friends who send me
                        messages and flowers and cards to 
                        cheer me up.  But when I cry, which
                        is not often, I am alone with no one
                        to hold me.  Today is such a day. And
                        when I think of all the people out there
                        who are sick or lonely with no one to
                        hold them, I cry even harder.  Tomorrow
                        is a special day for me and will probably
                        cry the whole day away.  
          May 09, 2002  I spent most of last evening in the ER.
                        It seems I have a possible blood clot in
                        my right thigh, and a culture was taken
                        from my incision area as it looks infected.
                        They took blood, gave me blood thinners,
                        one was a shot in the tummy and I got another
                        chest x-ray.  This morning I am off to the
                        hospital again for another tummy needle and
                        more blood work.  Happy 4th Anniversary to
                        Brucefan. Four years ago today I and my
                        daughter were driving north for a little
                        adventure.  I will add more as I learn more. 
         Update on May 09, 2002
                        Some test results are back in.  The
                        culture shows gram infection in the
                        surgical wound.  I also have DVT...
                        (deep vein thrombosis)  This means
                        shots of Lovenox in the tummy twice 
                        a day and of course many blood tests.
                        I am also on antibotics and am 
                        scheduled for a doplar tomorrow on
                        the right thigh. 
          May 10, 2002  Well lets see, first I went to my home
                        town hospital to have blood drawn and
                        Lovenox injected into my tummy. Then
                        I went to a southern Vermont Hospital to
                        have a deeper Venuous Doppler taken and
                        this time the spelling is closer.  I have
                        been poked, prodded, stabbed and pained
                        enough for one day.  I am taking a nap!!! 
          May 14, 2002  Today I had to see the surgeon to have
                        the staples removed.  He also had to
                        debride the area.  My daughter, who is
                        always with me, was helpful to the dr by
                        holding my arm up, giving the dr room to
                        work.  First she turned white, then white
                        with a green hue, and then she fainted.
                        So they had her in one room working with
                        her, while I was in another.  Its been
                        quite the day.  I see the dr again in 2 wks.
                        He put me on Augmentin.  The healing process
                        is going to take a long time. 
          May 23, 2001  Saw my regular doctor today, who is keeping
                        an eye on my right thigh.  She found a sore
                        spot in my liver and can see its swollen with
                        a naked eye.  So she ordered lots of blood
                        work.  I see my surgeon next Tues. and there
                        is more dead tissue to be cut away.  My 
                        oncologist is anxious to start chemo on me,
                        but we have to wait until the wound is healed
                        more before chemo begins. 
          May 28, 2002  I saw my surgeon today.  The incision
                        under the arm is all healed, the diagonal
                        incision from arm to breast area is almost
                        healed and the deep hole is filling in
                        nicely.  He gave the ok to start chemo. 
                        See him again in 2 weeks. 
         June 05, 2002  Today I saw the oncologist.  He said I cannot start
                        chemo for 3 more weeks because the surgery has
                        to heal more, yet my surgeon gave the ok to start.
                        There will be two different chemo programs to choose
                        from.  One is a 6-month program and the other is a
                        9-week program.  Before he decides which is best
                        for me, I have to have an echo cardiogram, because
                        the latter treatment is a little rough on the heart.  He
                        did say he was surprised that more nodes were not
                        involved and considered it a plus for me. However,
                        he also reminded me there are no guarantees with
                        cancer.  No radiation is needed because the breast
                        wall is clean.
         June 06, 2002  I saw my GP today to follow up on my
                        leg.  She has ordered x-rays.  She also
                        decided to lecture me about getting more
                        rest.  All my vitals indicated my body
                        was exhausted and I need more rest with
                        an open wound.  I dont sleep well and
                        taking naps isnt always possible when
                        one is responsible for an elderly husband
                        in first stages of alzheimers and two
                        mentally challenged live-ins that I take
                        care of.  However, I will try to get 
                        the required naps in.  I see her again in
                        a month.  She made an appointment for me
                        to see an orthopedic doctor concerning
                        my leg.  Gosh, no wonder I am tired, I 
                        have to see doctors all the time....grrrr! 
         June 09, 2002  Well today I am uneasy.  Restless I guess
                        a being cooped up in the house.  Wish a
                        friend would come along and take me for
                        a Sunday afternoon ride.  Speaking of friends,
                        I would like to make a comment.  You know
                        all my lady friends have kept in contact with
                        me and cheer me on,  but my men friends are
                        slowly disappearing one by one.  That hurts.
                        I dont get the emails I did,  I dont get the visits
                        I did and I am even being avoided on the "chat
                        room" I own on line.  Gosh, now is the time 
                        need those shoulders.  Other ladies have told
                        me the same.  Men disappear when something
                        like this happens.  *Big Sigh*
         June 11, 2002  I saw my surgeon today.  The wound is healing
                        nicely.  He had to cut off some more dead skin
                        and he put me back on antibiotics for precaution,
                        but all in all, things are going well...he gave me
                        permission to drive short distances.  WOOHOO
                        Plattsburgh here I come...oh wait...darn, thats
                        not short.
         June 19, 2001  I saw my oncologist today.  Although he seems
                        to change his mind a lot,  everything at the moment
                        is set up thus:  Monday, I get an echocardiogram
                        at my hometown hospital, which will determine
                        which chemo treatment I will be having.  Tuesday,
                        I will be going to GF, to the bigger  hospital, to
                        see my  surgeon for a checkup then on to a lab
                        to have a line pick inserted in my left arm.
                        Wednesday,  (26th) I see the oncologist,  to begin
                        my chemo.  Friday  (28th) my son graduates from
                        High School.
         June 21, 2002  I saw the orthopedic doctor today about the
                        on-going acute pain in my upper right thigh.
                        It was treated at first and diagnosed as a
                        blood clot.  For weeks I took lo-venox shots
                        I gave myself in my stomach.  Now I find out
                        the pain in the muscle of my thigh is nerve
                        damage in my spine, a common malady of people
                        who are rolled in surgery.  It will take 6 to
                        9 months to heal.  He has scheduled me for
                        a catscan of my spine and x-rays of my spine
                        for next Thursday the 27th.  Sighs, its down
                        right hard to keep smiling here! 
         June 25, 2002  Yesterday I had an echocardiogram.  Today I went
                        to get my PICC line put in.  My veins are hard to
                        find so the RNs had to give up (after sticking me)
                        and I was sent to x-ray where a doctor inserted the
                        line uses a sonogram technique to see where every-
                        thing was.  Other than being exhausted,  I am ok.
                        The PICC line insertion was almost painless....all I
                        felt was the pick of the needle with Lidacane.
                        If my echo is satisfactory,  I get my first chemo
                        treatment tomorrow.
         June 26, 2002  Today was my first chemo treatment.
                        They must have heard my knees knocking
                        for 3 miles.  I am being given two kinds 
                        of chemo...(1) Doxorubicin (Adriamycin, Adria)
                        and (2) Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide).
                        One treatment every 3 weeks for 4 treatments.
                        So in 4 months treatments should be over.
                        The PICC line has to stay in my arm all this
                        time and I have to hope it doesnt get infected,
                        becuse if it does, then I have to get a new
                        line put in...and frankly I wouldnt look forward
                        to that.  (Ugh)  So one treatment today, next
                        treatment July 17th.  I can expect to start 
                        losing my hair in 10-12 days.  I will know when
                        its going to happen as I shall experience a burning
                        sensation on forehead near hair line.  I have
                        been given pills for nausea, and suppositories.
                        I have to drink 2 quarts of water daily so this
                        poison doesnt irritate the bladder.  The chemo
                        treatment went well.  I felt nothing.  Took about
                        two hours.
         July 03, 2002  My PICC line nurse was here and not happy.
                        I have developed a serious reaction to the
                        "see-thru" bandage covering the entry of the
                        line.  Its extremely important this area not be
                        a source of infection, because the line goes
                        into my heart.  They are now talking about
                        surgery again with a clavical port....and
                        removing the PICC line.   So far I have refused.
                        Just as I refused the proceedure due last Thurs.
                        to have dye injected into my spine for a milogram.
                        Enough already!
         July 08, 2002  Saw my GP today for a general checkup.
                        All vitals are doing good and I have
                        lost 15 pounds.  That is one of few perks
                        with chemo.
         July 09, 2002  I saw my surgeon today and I graduated.  )
                        I dont have to see him again unless my nurses
                        report something unusual.  The site is completely
                        filled in and only needs surface healing now, but
                        will be slow because of chemo.  Monday I go
                        to the Cancer Boutique to be fitted for a wig,
                        if I wish, and or turbans and makeup.  I dont
                        think I will opt for the wig.  I also go for a fitting
                        of my prothesis.
         July 19, 2002  I am two days late writing in my Journal.  I had
                        my second round of chemo July 17th.  This time
                        around I am very ill.   Crying, vomiting, diarrhea,
                        and woe is me, no one comes to see me etc.
                        This is rough girls,  please do your self exams and
                        regular mamograms.  I am ready to give up at
                        this time and stop chemo.   But I know I have to
                        bear it if I want the risk of recurrance lowered.
         July 29, 2002  I thought I should say a few words about feelings.
                        If you are married then you have a husband to help
                        you get through this fight with breast cancer.  In
                        my situation I am fighting alone.  Oh, I have friends
                        who email me, send me cards and flowers, but at night
                        when the house is dark and quiet and I crawl into bed
                        alone and the tears of fear flow, its very difficult.
                        Once I have healed and the chemo treatments are over,
                        there will always be fear the rest of my life.  Will
                        it come back?  Will my other breast develope a lump?
                        Did an escaped cell survive chemo and is nested in my
                        bones or liver?  I try to stay upbeat and think the
                        positive thoughts one is suppose to, but there are
                        dark scary moments when a pair of strong arms and a
                        warm heart would help.  For the most part I am brave
                        or maybe I put on a brave front for family and friends,
                        but I would be less than honest if I didn't say I have
                        my down moments where I wonder if all this is worth it.
                        I think only another cancer patient can fully understand
                        the hard moments. Would you believe some of my friends
                        have even backed away from me during this time of trial. 
       August 28, 2002  Today was the last chemo treatment and the PICC
                        line came out of my arm.  I havent spoken much about 
                        the chemo treatments because everyone reacts differently.   
                        I did have some trouble with vomiting, diarrhea and 
                        general tiredness. However, my blood count and other 
                        vitals held their own and did very well with chemo.  
                        I will make this comment. Even though it was a great 
                        relief to have that last treatment, it was also scary 
                        too, as somehow chemo seems a safe haven. Treatment is 
                        killing the disease and there is satisfaction and 
                        security in that knowledge. Now that I wont be having 
                        more chemo I started to panic....did it get it all....
                        did it work....will I be safe now....will it come back?  
                        All questions and feelings that my doctor assured me was 
                        perfectly normal. There are no answers.  We can only go on
                        with our lives and live each day to its fullest.
      November 8, 2002  Tues. I had a pap test done.  Because my cervix was 
                        of a suspicious color, the doctor took a nip for a biopsy and 
                        I get results in 3 weeks.  Today I had surgery on my face. 
                        Three growths were removed and also sent for biopsy.  So I 
                        sit with 4 stitches in one area and 3  in another,  thinking 
                        "enough already"!  To add to this,  my incision from my 
                        mastectomy has decided to open in 5...yup 5 little pinhole 
                        places and drainage is coming out.   So we are back to 
                        packing that with sorbsan (seaweed) and hope for the best.
      December 18, 2002 Wed.  My pap test finally came back.  It's normal 
                        and all is well.  Needless to say a great 
                        relief for the holiday season.
                        We are still having trouble with my incision.
                        Because the doctor left a bubble of tissue
                        to be used in reconstruction should I want it
                        in the future, the incision is in the fold or
                        crease.  Therefore it keeps warm and moist and
                        just doesnt want to completely heal.  I may be
                        facing more surgery to remove the 'bubble" and
                        flatten the area out so the incision will get
                        air and heal.  I will add details to the journal
                        as events happen.  Right now I am just relieved
                        to have a good clean biopsy from the pap test.

Feb 25, 2007 Update: I am still cancer free. I had some scares in December and January and had to have a biopsy in two spots on my remaining breast. And one biopsy on a suspicious mass in my thyroid. I was ready to roll up my sleeves and face all this again but the good Lord above had other plans. He doesn't want me yet. The breast biopsies came back to be nothing more than calcium deposits. The thyroid biopsy is also benign and is the beginning of a goiter that will be treated with medications. The thyroid has gone crazy with lots of nodules and is hyper-active. I am almost 64 now and I still keep a positive attitude and a will to fight anything that should crop up. I developed a problem called Fibromyalgia a few months after my chemo was finished. I had never heard of it until a friend of mine got it and then myself. No one knows the pain that goes with that. There is no cure. It works with arthritis and it hits every muscle in your body. Sometimes in one area and sometimes in several areas at once. Sometimes it puts me in bed for a couple of days. At all times I have to take pain meds for it. Where are these new diseases coming from? -Lorrie