March 2003

March 2003

Tuesday March 25, 2003 [3:34pm]
Well, it's started. For the first time today Mina said no while I was trying to feed her. She said it twice so I am pretty sure it was real. I know that I will be hearing that non stop after a while. Why can't their first fave word be yes?

Saturday March 22, 2003 [5:53pm]
Very, very cute. Christie gave Mina an talking Elmo doll. David put the doll in her booster seat and took a cup like thing and put it to Elmo's mouth. Mina took the cup away from him and put it to Elmo's mouth. Very, very cute! They are sitting there feeding Elmo.

Saturday March 22, 2003 [12:56am]
Tonight we went to see Giri-raj, Christie and Anjanaya (not sure about the spelling). I haven't seen them since the summer when Naynay, as the affectionately call her, was only four months old. Now she is a year and some months. She is walking, talking and beautiful. I took pictures, not nearly enough but I will post them on Mina's site tomorrow. But they are moving all the way out to Cali and it breaks my heart. I haven't gotten to see them in all this time and they have been close and now they are going. I will miss them.

Mina and Naynay had a ball playing together. Snatching a Valentine's Day balloons out of each others hands. It was the cutest thing you could ever see. Mina and Anjanaya dancing together with the musical Elmo, which they gave us to take home, very sweet of them. But it was nice hanging with them, their little family, very complete. I wish the could stay up here longer. I hope I do have a chance to visit them in California. Our kids need to be around each other.

Thursday March 20, 2003 [10:48pm]
Laura came over and spent the day with us. As usual Mina just stared for a long while, not wanting to get too close. But after a while she was crawling on her, pulling her hair and trying to get to her food. Food makes anyone her best friend. :0)

She did do a new noise today. Instead of her normal grunt when she wants more food, she made this Patu Patu Patu baby sentence. It was funny as hell. I don't know why that means more food but it does.

She loves typing (banging) on the computer. So that I could type a little I gave her my laptop (which is pretty much useless since she dropped water in it and shorted the keyboard) and she had a ball. Yep, she's going to be a computer geek. :0)

Wednesday March 19, 2003 [12:20am] Today was a nice day. Mina and I played all day long. It feels good when she takes her nap and she wakes up all happy. She has been a little picky with eating. She won't eat more than a few spoonful. I think maybe it is her teeth that might be bothering her but I have no idea. I just don't want her to starve. At least she is getting breast feed and I know she is getting some nutrition.
David wants her to walk so bad. I keep telling him that it will happen when it happens. I mean it's not like she doesn't walk holding on. But he still tries his little exercises with her, but she is resisting. Do I want her to walk yet? No, that will just mean that I will be runnng after her. As it is it is hard to keep those little fingers out of things. What is going to happen when she walks? Crazy it will be!!!

Sunday March 16, 2003 [11:40pm]
I can't believe that it has been so long since I've written. But I guess I have been busy. Mina is getting bigger by the day. Now she has four teeth, with two more on the way. She has been cranking and she waking up in the middle of the night again, but that is to be expected. But it is not too bad, at least not like before. And I know what to expect.

What does worry me is the high pitch screaming that she does when we run water. She is not afraid to get into the bath or let me wash her hands under running water but if she is hears running water, no matter where she is she starts bawling. We don't know what to do about it.

David said to me that he read my log here and he thinks that I make him look useless. I don't mean to. He is not useless or incompetent even though I feel that way sometimes. But that is just when I am frustrated, tired and not able to deal with the situation at the moment. I guess I forget to write about the times that he does do good stuff. I mean even though he comes home late he tries to come home in time to give her a bath and play a little before bedtime. Bathtime is their special time. She freaks if he goes into the bathroom without her because she thinks she is going to miss out on bathtime.

A couple of weeks ago I screamed at him for not getting up in the middle of the night. At he gets up now almost everytime now when she cries. I didn't mean for him to get up everytime, but sometimes I feel I need a break. When she is cries for hours, days in a row I start to fray. It has been good now that he gets up sometimes because I don't feel like it is only me.

This past friday I went out for the third time since she has been born, without her. David stayed with her that night, and she is still alive so I guess he did a good job. Come on! I can't be the only mother that thinks that she would die in the hands of anyone else but mom!!! But she was well and perfect.

I just want to the record to show that I think that David is a great dad dispite any angry days I might have. I think that is one of my major problem that I like to point out all the bad things but I forget to acknowledge the good things. I will make it a point to be more positive and consistent in my log. I should have called this Bitchy Mama Speaks, then maybe it wouldn't seem so bad. I am a NYC born and bred Latina... all I know to do is bitch. It is in my nature. But all of this is a learning experience.

Anyway going out friday wasn't so bad, I didn't worry as much as I did the first few times. I didn't even call home. Well that's not true, the phone was busy. But in my defense I had called to get my friend's phone number because she wasn't there when I arrived.

But you never stop being a mom. Even as I sat the in the middle of this noisy lounge I chatted it up with the birthday girl's sister about our little ones. Mina is never far from my thoughts and whoever I speak to at some point I have to go into an extensive conversation about my girl. I try not to but I know it can't be helped.

I do love her so much and I am happy she is in my life. We are lucky to have such a beautiful gal.

Well I should be off to bed but I know that I am going to do another hour before I will get to sleep. She is probably going to wake up in the next hour and a half or so. But I have a little more useless shit to do on the web. I am going to try and post more pics of her tonight. Or at least d/l them from the camera.

Dad is sleeping, mom should follow suit. G'night.

Sunday March 2, 2003 [2:46am]
Ten months old. I can believe it. Why is she growing so fast? I barely had time to enjoy her at nine months old and now she is ten! We spent the friday and most of saturday at my mom's house. She had a ball. We also went to my cousin Vielka's house and her two kids, Brianna and Nicolas were loving her to death. Brianna made her a rose wreath which was the cutest thing I ever saw in my life. Nicolas was doing everything to keep her attention. We don't see our family enough and they live just next door in the next state. Booo... booo... hisssssss. I know, I know it's bad but I have made a resolution that we will visit more. But it is hard getting on the train and bus carrying 20+ pounds of child, fifteen pounds of carriage and who knows how much of crap. I know it's no excuse but I get lazy. Of course if I had my drivers liecense I wouldn't have that issue what I know. Just one more thing I need to get done.

YikeZ! Look at the time. I am off to bed. I know she is going to wake up the moment I lay my head down on that pillow. ZzzzzzZzzzzzz.....