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23 october 2003

words words
o’ wondrous words
to spin from thin firmament of sound
a tapestry at once so illustrious
& yet so elusive

as man mounts this shy beast meaning
and sojourns forth
upon a journey as fraught
with misunderstanding as enlightenment
he seeks
to align his eye & mind
at such an angle
that the god Truth
might be captured
and shattered as light by prism
into fragments of such a size as
they might be wrapped in sound
and further bound
by puritan straight & pagan curve shape
to the page;

where if of stout and pleasing
enough construction
they might journey forth
to aid in younger men’s voyages
across empty unmeaning
toward solace of light,

the tiny saltatory action potential accrues,
a thousand generations of man
and the electricity of mind dwarfs
the bolt of lightening
from Sappho & Aristotle to
Sylvia & Einstein
the thunderstorm of thought
might lift man from the cradle of terra firma
to the arms of distant stars
words words
o’ wondrous words

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