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I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of those that have helped by contributing pictures, documents, and information. I do not do all the work myself. I work with many others along the way. Some have put forth much more time that I have and have helped to guide me along my way. Each person listed is a big asset to my extended family and to this website. Feel free to contact any of the following for further advice or to meet more of your extended family. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the site. Michelle

Emails and Names of Family Members:

Linda Jones (Clines family)
Mary Crossnoe (Crossnoe family)
Cora Moss (DeBoard, Shipman, Stewart families)
Sarah Armstrong (DeBoard, Shipman, Stewart families)
Betty Day (Easley family)
Susan Bishop (Easley family)
Merry Davis (Essary family)
Geoffrey Weldon Essary (Essary family)
Marianne Wildcat (Fox family)
Barbara Fox-Easley (Easley, Fox family)
Janice Stanhouse (Gariepy family)
Angela Joines (Gariepy family)
Sheila Coger (Gariepy family)
Larry Gariepy (Gariepy family)
Robert Ransford (Gariepy family)
Thomas Gariepy (Gariepy family)
Stephen Gariepy (Gariepy family)
Charlotte Silva (Gariepy family)
Kathy Buss (Shipman, Young family)
Tabitha Seifert (Shipman family)
Catherine Cooper (Stewart family)
Bill Crider (Stewart family)
Pattie Stewart (Stewart, Young family)
Shayne Brown (Stewart family)


Crossnoe Genealogy by Mary Crossnoe
Shipman Family Website by Shirley
Stewart and Doss family by Bill Crider

More websites that can be used:

Olive Tree Genealogy
Ancestry Family Findings
USGenWeb Project