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Voice of Color

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Welcome to the Voice Of color.
This site is created in the name of Expression. Fellow Writers and Poets are Welcomed.

Taking fresh submissions in 2012. Email updated. Send it in.
Also, starting a new section for computer language creativity.
See what's new and click What's new.

What's New
Fiction Page
Revived Classics
Poetry Page
Art Page
Search term:
Case-sensitive - yes
exact fuzzy

Let's see your best, after all. If you write something meaningful.
Then throw it in the drawer to collect dust. How will it ever be known?

Accepting submissions of your original storys and poems.
To be added to the site under your name with your permission. All Stories remain the property of the person submitting it.

1. Try to do your best with spelling and grammer.
2.Include a disclaimer with subject matter of your story.
3. Attachments are tricky, and may hold viruses.
Please include your story in the body of your email.
4.Describe yourself a little.

Everyone's welcomed to submit. New as well as experienced writers.
Want to show off your artistic talent?
Click the drums to E-mail

Bang it out and send it in!
Go ahead and submit it. Don't forget to put your name and/or any disclaimers on your submission.

Voices of Color.

Bookmark this page, or add it to your favorites.
This site works best through Internet Explorer
Please come back and visit again!

Comments or Submissions of Stories, Poetry, or Art!

Disclaimer: Any characters, or situations are the property of their creators and/or writer that submits it.
It is not my intention to infringe on anyone's copyright laws. If so please contact me and I will remedy the problem. The site was started up all in fun, and the sake of free expression.
I will not try to censor the writings of the authors that should decide to submit their writings on this site. However, I do ask them to place a disclaimer as to subject matter on their writings.
Warning:This is the I-net. Please take time with the kiddies to see what they are looking at.

©This site is created, written, and maintained by Shannon Davis. All rights reserved 03/23/01.
Written material remain the property of the writer it was submitted by.