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Differing Views and Opinions

With subjects that illicit strong emotional responses, such as religion or politics, it is sometimes necessary for the Host to intervene and make sure nothing is compromised. For instance, I am Christian. When my others were Wiccan, or atheist, or agnostic and so on, it was nearly impossible to even go to church on Sundays, and often when I did, it was disrupted so completely I came away with almost nothing from the sermon. I had to step in and really push my others to learn about my religion. It was Logan that took to it first, and he has been instrumental in witnessing to the rest of the Collective. On the subject of differing political views, I still haven't found how to solve it. Some of mine claim to be Republican, some are Democrat, two were Green Party, and one is Libertarian. The debates can become heated and have even gotten violent in the past. The one ground rule on politics is that the Host votes in elections.

Alot of people disagree with that completely. They believe that all alters, and even fragments, should be allowed to worship as they wish and have their own opinions. Let me clarify that I never forced anyone to become a Christian, and I never tell them their political views are wrong. But, they are all part of me, not the other way around. It is much easier and it runs much smoother if most, or all, agree somewhat on these issues.

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