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Greyscale is a perpetual fog, very dense, and it is the only known Gate into the Shadow Realm. It is a thick fog; when venturing through it, one feels as though one is in a dissociative state in that everything becomes prickly-numb. Not painful, but entirely unpleasant. Working through Greyscale can induce panic as it is almost a complete sensory deprivation. An interesting sidenote: those residing in Greyscale, being unaffiliated with either Luminae or Shadow Realm, reside here in a type of functional stasis.

Zephyr: Much like a failsafe, she is the default mode; on auto-pilot at all times. Very cold and articulate. She only appears to take control when none of the other members of the Collective are capable of doing so. Her duties are the necesities: Personal hygeine, daily work/school, limited personal contact.
The Professor: Older male, with greying hair and a raspy voice. He is fashioned to look much like a "mad scientist" in that he wears a stark white lab-coat, dark glasses and mumbles to himself constantly. His duty is to act as the Systems Specialist, as he regulates our Inner workings and mission progress.
Das Reich der toten Kinder: A group of pale, ghost-like children who wander about Greyscale. Their eyes and lips are sewn shut, and are alternately restless and lethargic. The avoid contact with most others Inside.
Asche: Apparently young and possibly female, though no certain age or sex can be determined. Asche is the Gatekeeper, and watches over das Reich der toten Kinder. Asche wears a porcelain mask and does not speak. Asche's only known function is to regulate body time, and keep track of who is in which category (Attendence, Stasis, etc.)
Tank: Non-human. He is the guardian of the Deadbox. I have never known him to move or speak.
Deuce: Likes to use codes in communication. Holds many secrets but is unable ot unwilling to speak of them directly. He worked closely with Rémy at one time, and together they created Dixhuit.

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