My name is Taz, that is short for Tasmanian Devil. Yes, I am just like the cartoon character. I am a whirlwind of activity. I am a Miniature Pinscher, a Min Pin. Some people call me a Miniature Doberman. I was born August 2002. When I arrived home, I weighed 2 lb. and 1 0z. I could fit inside a shoe. Taz is one of the smartest animals we ever had. Taz is also one of the funniest. You never know what antic she will do next. Taz has brought a tremendous amount of love, laughter and happiness to this family. We have thought of taking her to obedience school, however, we have decided to leave her alone and enjoy all her feistiness. Min Pins believe they are a huge dog, so you have to watch them, as she has no fear. We love Taz and would be lost without her.

"TAZ's Baby Pictures"

I really did live in a shoe. I didn't chew that. Immediately after this beach picture was taken, a wave washed over me. Hours later, I was at the ER vet getting a needle. Salt water and dogs, don't go together.

"TAZ's Toys"

The Santa hat has to go. My favorites toys are my yellow duck and sock.

Taz's Car

"TAZ at Home"

Go Taz! What, there were still crumbs in this bag! Jen, how many times do I have to tell you I am not Santa.

"TAZ Camping"

I love to go camping. I have been to Cape Hatteras, located on the Outer Banks NC, I saw all the lighthouses. I have been to Chincoteaque Va. Also, Rehoboth Beach Del, Ocean City Md, Cape May NJ, and Pocono's Mts. Be advised, Cape May has a $500 fine and 90 days in jail, if a dog is caught on their boardwalk, very unfriendly place for dogs.

"TAZ during a 23 inch Snow Storm 03"

I hope we don't get any more major snow storms, I could get lost out there.

"TAZ's 1st Birthday Pictures"


Caitlyn I am not wearing that party hat!

"TAZ's Coats"

I need my beauty rest after all this modeling.

"TAZ Christmas"

The Santa hat on or off? Christmas 2005

Christmas 2007

"TAZ's Buddy"

This is Stranger. She is 13 years old and a senior citizen. She never expected me, the whirlwind, to come into her senior years. She really does love me, she just don't know it.
Stanger lived to be 18 years old. She died 10-25-06

Taz's banner

"TAZ's Pals"

Please send your pets photo and I will add it with your link.




Bailey and Cricket

Ed and Colleen
The grand daughters dogs.


"TAZ" Clip Art

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Thanks Barbara.
Click on Taz below to visit her great web site