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Mrs. Sanders’ American History Class




This page is an evaluation rubric for your web assignments done during the week of April 20th through April 24th on the Civil War.


Student Project Evaluation Rubric





Group Members:______________________________________________________________

Project Title:_________________________________________________________________




                                                                          Beginning      Developing     Accomplished     Exemplary

Development Process

Student used quality reference materials and         0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10

timely Web sites in gathering information.


Students completed project outline/storyboard.    0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


Students obtained permission to use any

Copyrighted materials.                                        0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10



Understanding of the topic is evident.                  0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


Information is presented in a clear manner, is     

appropriate, and accurate.                                   0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


Content relates to the learning objectives.             0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


Students used higher-order thinking skills         

when analyzing and synthesizing content.             0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


The information is appropriate.                            0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


The information is presented in an original

manner and demonstrates logical conclusions.      0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


Important ideas related to topic are included and

an understanding of important relationships is

evident.                                                               0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


Included properly cited sources.                          0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10




The student maintains eye contact with class.       0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


The student speaks clearly and is easily heard.      0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10


The presentation is an appropriate length.             0    1    2      3    4    5       6    7    8        9    10




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