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A Moment In Time

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Looking at you for the very first time.                                         
Made me shiver breathless emotions so deep.
Only in dreams except this is and it was real.
My heart beatings faster your sight leaves me weak.
Once a fiction of my imagination now your here.
Love so deep so profond
leaves one's heart yearning,
Longing reaching out no matter the distance.

Souls surrender and embrace such a moment capturing,
Each and every seconds as though it be the last.
Reflections of you and me the water falls sunsets.
Our hearts pounding so fast
Reliving these moments in time endless in my mind.

You captured this heart of the soul of mine.Text Box:
Your eyes shining glowing like stars in the night.
Passion revealed sealed with a timeless kiss,
You my love i so sherish.

A one moment in time with you im remembering,
This piece of my heart and soul missing.
Your holding forever my love for you is never ending.
You are my soul mate to only you im devoted.
My love my angel lets make, this our once in a life time.
To last for eternity our journey,
Our path and destiny to hold treasure ingraved in gold.
Sealed in our hearts minds and souls.