"Daddy, Wait For Me"

When I was just a little girl
Of two or maybe three
Each time he started out the door
I cried, "Daddy, wait for me."

Then time came for school to start
And I was eager as could be
But when time came for him to leave
I cried, "Daddy, wait for me."

As I grew up and had my first date
I waited anxiously
And as I started out the door
I said "Daddy, will you wait for me?"

Down the aisle we walked
A new life beginning for me
As he raised my veil, a tear drop fell
And I said, "Daddy, don't cry, please."

As the years passed by
His health grew worse
And I sat by his bed, quietly
Praying to God, again and again
"Please don't take him from me."

But God saw that he was getting tired
So he whispered "Come to me"
And once again I began to cry
"Daddy, wait for me"

©~Pam Patterson~



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Music: "Daddy's Hands"
©~Holly Dunn~
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