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VB Tutorial part 1

Upon startup, this screen will be your first interaction with the VB IDE.

Fig. 1 (Startup Form)

You can select the type of project you'd probably want to create. For now we'll only use Standard EXE. This will create an executable Windows program which will initially contain a blank form for us to add other controls and code.

Fig. 2 (VB IDE)

I've numbered the key areas of the Visual integrated development environment. You can also click on the image to view a larger one. Number 1 on the image is the menu and toolbar. If you've ever used any Microsoft application other than Windows then this should be familiar to you. The first item in the menu bar is the File area which allow you to create new projects, save and print code and compile the project into executable form. We'll skip the Edit and View areas and proceed to the Project area. The Project area lets you add components like other forms, class modules, user controls to your current project. The toolbar contains the same functionalities that are in the menu area. They are there to serve as shortcuts only.

The second area is the Component toolbar. This holds all the controls that can be placed on the form. You can place a control on the form by drag and drop. These are not all the controls that can be used, some of the more advanced and functional controls are tucked away somewhere (more on this later).

The 3rd area is the Project Explorer. It displays all the files that are included in your project. By the way, a project is composed of multiples files with the following extensions: project - vbp; form - frm; module - bas; class module - cls; etc.

By the way, projects are composed of forms, modules, class modules and some lesser known extensions like .frx and .vbw. Dont delete this files as they used to hold basic settings on the forms and the project.

Below the Project Explorer is the Properties Window (marked as 4).

Fifth is the Form Layout Window, this lets you see where your form will be displayed on the screen. You can even drag on the small form inside the monitor so everytime you run your form, it will be where you want it to be.

Finally, the Form window, this is where we'll do all of our work.

Some terms:

IDE - INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT. A programming environment integrated into an application. ( definition)

