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There are 16 arenas to choose from in multiplayer; Combat Simulator. Below is a description of each one.



The Skedar has an alien type (skedar) theme. It's a simple, yet large level with a lot of pillars. The Skedar also has more than more floor but no fences or anything so your bound to fall if you go too far to the edge. If you're a character that's dark or tan, you can blend in with the walls easily.

Rating: ****


The Pipes arena is a fun place to fight. There are several floors, and many ramps to climb on. The bottom floor consists of lots of pipes and if you fall or get knocked off these, you're dead. There's also a few lifts in this arena that add a spark to the gameplay when you're having a battle on them. This is one of my favorites...

Rating: *****


The Ravine is HUGE. It's full of multiple lifts, ramps, passage ways, and pipes. It's easy to get around in the Raving but snipers can easily get you if you're fooling around on the bottom. This rock-type theme is different than any other level, as well as what you can do in it. Have fun with explosives in this level, for you can play with the Slayer for a long time!

Rating: *****

G5 Building

The G5 Building's color is plain, but is packed with multiple stories and lots of bridges. You can jump off high bridges to lower ones skillfully but there's a high chance you can fall. With a few sniping areas, the G5 Building is lacking something...I just don't know what...

Rating: ****


Not one of my personal favorites, but the Sewers are a good addition to the arenas. The best place to battle it out is where there's a pipe going accross the top of the room and a ladder that leads to a half filled floor of water. Mostly everywhere else is the same except from this place and that makes it really boring.

Rating: ***


The Warehouse is another huge arena that's full of ladders and multiple floors. The most common area, with the huge block of silver boxes is very fun to play in. You can crawl underneath or climb to the top (usually you'll get shot at when you're climbing up the ladder though!) This level is very fun but when you're playing with a lot of people, it freezes!

Rating: ****


The Grid is my personal favorite. The arena was based on the movie 'Maxtix' and if you compare the two, they're very similar. It has an elevator and a large glass room as well as a glass floor that if someone shoots it, it shatters! There's also a big room with a lot of pillars. You can jump out from these and shoot your enemy. You'll love this level!

Rating: *****


Again, not one of my personal favorites, but the Ruins is an ok arena. There's plenty of corridors and rooms but it's pretty big and I hate having to go around the whole arena and chase someone down. I don't recommend that you play this level very much, you might become an alien.

Rating: ***

Area 52

This is a pretty cool level. There's 4 sniper towers and a room with glass as the upper-part of the wall. Lots of the doors open automatically when you approach them and there's a little base with brown windows that can be opened from the inside and outside. The texture of this level is a brown rock theme.

Rating: ****


I don't really like the base, even though it has multiple levels, ladders, cool transparant floors and ramps. Apart from the darker levels, the Base is lit up well and has a lot of bright colors. It's a fairly large arena so it's sometimes hard to find your way around.

Rating: ****


Everything's pretty much the same in this arena, but I really love playing in it. The Fortress has two floors and is seperated into 4 color areas; red, blue, green, and yellow. On the bottom floor (if you fall off you're dead sucker!) there are 4 paths that lead to the different area, all lightened by their appropriate color. For instance, if you followed a red path you go into the red base that has lots of ammo and weapons. It also has a lift so you can get to the second story. That's just plain cool! You might find it boring after a while, so play it often, not every day.

Rating: *****


The Villa has an assortment of colors and wall textures. It has a few levels, all in which are large. There's a large walkway area on top of the large main area...that's a fun place to fight! Plus, it's very fun to use the Slayer's secondary function: Fly-By-Wire Rocket, in this level because of the size!

Rating: *****

Car Park

The Car Park is obviously lacking everything and I find it very boring. It's basically stair after stair after stair on every level....BORING...

Rating: *



Ahhh...the classic Temple. With it's Aztec theme, the Temple has plenty of large areas to battle it out in and vertical doors that open when you approach them. There's a large hole in the main area that you can finally jump down! This is a fun arena!

Rating: ****


The Complex is one of my favorite levels. Maybe it's the ramps and walkways or the ledges and sniping places that makes this arena awesome. It's nice and small so you'll know your way around and there are plenty of places for campers to camp in. The Complex also includes a ventilation shaft, which you can crawl through throughout the level. You'll LOVE this level!

Rating: *****


Recently called the Facility, the Felicity has that good ol' bathroom with a vent on top that you can crawl in and out of. It also has plenty of cool rooms. The doors were rendered from the GE version and so where the vents. This arena deserves 5 stars!

Rating: ****


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