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dataDyne Central: Defection
Right near the first security hub you will see a large ventilation shaft. Shoot any kind of explosive at it and it will break apart, revealing a hole. Fall down the hole and you will see two vents. The cheese is in one of them.

dataDyne Research: Investigation
Enter the first main Laboratory. Don't even shut down the experiment. You will see a glass panel on the ground. Look closely and you will see cheddar!

datadyne Central: Extraction
Make your way to the foyer elevator as fast as possible. Step out when the elevator first stops. Go right and around the corner. There will be a walking guard-kill him and obtain 'Cassandra's Keycard.' Now go to Cassandra's office near the top of the building. You will find a grenade on her desk, which you will use to blow a hole in the nearby wall to the right of her desk. Inside the wall is a dragon and a piece of cheese!

Carrington Villa
In the wine cellar, you will find a tiny bit of cheese on top of one of the wine racks. Zoom in with your Sniper Rifle on top of the third wine rack.

The cheese is located in the first toilet in the Pond Punk bar. To get into this bar, go through the door next to the limo. Make your way down to the bottom part of the room and disarm the guard. He will (hopefully) open the locked door to alert his friends. Enter the Pond Punk bar bar and turn left to go to the restrooms.

G5 Building
There is a vent right near the Damping Field Generator room. Look through the vent and to the right a bit to find the cheese.

Area 51: Infiltration
Not discovered yet.

Area 51: Rescue
After blasting the wall to get into the main level, head down to where there are three doors right next to each other: two doors that lead to the locker rooms on the left and right, and one big door in the middle. Enter the middle door. Defeat all the cunning guards, first. Then go up the long ramp right in front of you. You will see two long railings, one in front of you and the other to the right. Take out your Sniper Rifle and zoom in as much as you can. What do you see? Cheese, of course! You can kneel down and walk along the railing, but you can't go up close to the cheese because there's a hole right before it!

Area 51: Escape
On Special Agent, venture to the open area close to Jonathan's hiding spot. Enter the many doors in front of you until you're in a big room with support railing. On the railing to the left is an open spot for you to crawl into. Zoom in with the Sniper Rifle to find the cheese.

Air Base
Enter the caves where the stewardess is walking through. Sedate all of the guards and the stewardess. Near the left of the cable line, pull out your Sniper Rifle and zoom in on the arrow-shaped mountain.

Air Force One
The cheese is located by some tubing near the presidential escape pod.

Crash Site
On the right part of the crashed plane is a tiny crevice in a wall. This is right near where a Mr. Blonde awaits you with a Sniper Rifle. Take him out, then zoom in with the Sniper Rifle to find the cheese.

Pelagic II
Make your way to where you have to shut down the power (where you use your X-Ray Scanner). Look down at a large grate on the ground. The cheese is in plain sight!

Deep Sea
Right where you start, look out the big window overlooking the Pacific Ocean floor. Look for a rock a ways back. The cheese is hard to see, but it's there!

Carrington Institute
You an either do this two ways. The coolest way to is to go to the Firing Range. Select Slayer on the bronze settings. Make sure you put the hovercrate by the door to block it from closing. Aim your slayer rocket (in fly-by-wire mode) and fly it outside the room. Maneuver the rocket downstairs and to the right, to the open part of the institute. Fly it up near the locked metallic door. The cheese is right above the door on a block.

The other way is to play the level through the solo missions. Simply go outside where the locked metallic door used to be, turn around, and look up at the block.

Attack Ship
Go down the Skedar elevator to the main hangar. After you enter the hangar, turn right. Head back to the elevators and go into the room on your right. In this room, turn left, crouch, and look in the hole in the glass section of the room.

Skedar Ruins
Turn around at the very beginning. At the end of the tunnel where the shield is, the cheese is waiting to be found. You can only find the cheese in agent or special agent.


Creating Perfection


Crystal Cube
Perfect Dark 2
Perfect Dark Saga
Q's Laboratory
Become One


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