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Blast Skedar with Laptop Sentry Gun in CI cinema
Blast walking guard in Air Base cinema
Challenge seven freezes with three players
Charred guards
Continuous Talk
Destroy sections of a wall and ground in War!
DMC firing glitch
Falling shattered glass
Floating ammo boxes
Floating on the Skedar Pillars
Flying characters
Guards invulnerable to radioactive iosotpes
Guards use the ECM as a gun!
If What
Incompetent guards
Jonathan can still shoot without a gun!
Jonathan speaks after he dies A51 Escape
Man hands
Mutilate Cassandra for the Extraction cinema scene!
No Skedar for you!
Proximity Mine 'Threat Detector' glitch
Punching CI employees
Replace Elvis with Shocktrooper in Challenges
Skedar Ruins gorge trick
Such terrible aim, Jonathan!
Too much at one time
Trent missing from 'Blonde Freak' cinema scene
Unlock secret rooms in dataDyne Extraction
Walking on Walls
Weird noise coming from CI windows
Weird noises in AirForce One
X-Ray CamSpy
X-Ray cinema scenes
Weird noises in the Airforce One

Blast Skedar with Laptop Sentry Gun in CI cinema
Activate the Unlimited Ammo, Laptop Sentry Gun, and the Laptop Gun cheat again. This time, go to Carrington Institute Defense. Go into the hangar where the Jumpship and Daniel are. Throw your Sentry Gun directly above the ship. Then complete all the objectives like usual, and you will see the Skedar getting mutilated by your sentry gun. Too bad the Skedar doesn't die from it, though

Blast walking guard in Air Base cinema scene
Use Unlimited Ammo, Laptop Sentry Gun, and the Laptop Gun cheat. Go to the Air Base: Espionage solo mission and complete all the objectives up until you get to the hangar with Air Force One. Deactivate some of the lasers by destroying the console that is right before you see Air Force One. Now, go directly under the nose of the plane. Set your Laptop Gun to 'Sentry Gun,' and throw it directly on the nose of the plane. Then complete the level and watch the end cinema. Your Laptop Gun fires at the guard that usually walks below the plane, but unfortunately, he doesn't die.

Challenge seven freezes with three players
Gamers who got the first batch of Perfect Dark also got something a little rotten with their purchase. The game will freeze up every time you play in the Warehouse with three human players. This also happens when playing Challenge seven with three humans. Why does this happen. Perhaps Rare's testing department had a day off, eh? Just kidding. I can imagine why the testing department missed something like this-they didn't have enough time to test every possibility in the game.

Charred guards
If you launch explosives many times at a guard, their body will become super-deformed and charred.

Continuous Talk
In Pelegic 2, Elvis says "You go on ahead Jo. I'll secure the parameter. We will meet up later." Shoot his gun after he says that and he will keep saying it!

Destroy sections of a wall and ground in War!
Start up War! on any difficulty with either the Rocket Launcher cheat or All Guns In Solo activated. If you have neither, you have to play on Perfect Agent and get the Skedar King's Slayer. When War! starts, keep moving forward until you find a ladder on the left. Go up the ladder and keep going straight. Then jump off to the other side of the ravine. Now all you need to do is keep going straight. Now you are in the area of the second pillar. If you look left and keep shooting rockets where the pillar's shadow is, you should be able to destroy the wall and part of the ground.

DMC firing glitch
The DMC has a major firing glitch at the back of the gun. To see for yourself, simply equip the DMC, hold down the Z button, and move the control stick up to see the back of the gun. Do you see the yellow fire coming out the back of the gun? The yellow fire is only supposed to come out in the front of the gun, not the back. This is clearly an oversight by Rare.

Falling shattered glass
Play a 1 vs. 1 match in the Grid (you vs. a human opponent). Have the second player go to the room with the glass windows (not the floating glass). The first player must go to the room directly below this room (it's a small, enclosed room). The second player should shoot out as much glass as he can. On the first player's screen, glass will fall down from the room above with the glass windows.

Floating ammo boxes
For this trick to work, make sure not to have full ammunition for the ammo box you want to see floating. In any multiplayer arena shoot an ammo box into the air as high as you want. Grab the ammo box before it hits the ground. When the box respawns it will be floating in mid-air!

Floating on the Skedar Pillars
Do you know that section in the Skedar multiplayer arena that has four pillars standing straight up into the air? Well, you can float in mid-air right in front of them. Go to the second floor of this room. Now, strafe around one of the pillars, making sure you hug it tight. If you do this correctly, you will be floating in the air!

Go to combat simulator and choose a challenge. Then once you start go to the quick menu and press Z. Then hold R and press Z and it will freeze.

Glitch Submitted by Leb

Flying characters
Activate the Small Characters cheat and watch any opening cinema. It looks like the characters are flying in mid-air!

Guards invulnerable to radioactive isotopes
The guards in the second solo mission, dataDyne: Investigation, are invulnerable to the radioactive isotopes. To see this, put on Invincibility, and lure a guard into the isotope room. He won't get hurt in any way; his head doesn't even swivel like it usually does when a guard is dizzy.

Guards use the ECM as a gun!
You will need to activate the cloaking device for this to work. Now, start up the first level in solo missions, dataDyne Defection. Put on your cloaking device. Drop down and enter the building. Take out an ECM mine and throw it on the lone guard. Quickly shoot the ECM with your Falcon 2 Silencer. Watch as he drops down and picks up the ECM mine, thinking that it's his gun! He will even try to 'shoot' it!

If What
If you put the slow-mo cheat on and watch the cienama where Jo finds Johnathan, wait until he shoots the guy and he will say "if what" 2 times.

-Submitted by Shenron

Incompetent guards
The incompetent guards in Mr. Blonde's revenge will shout, "Get her!" Mr. Blonde is obviously a guy, right?

Jonathan can still shoot without a gun!
Use Marquis of Queensbury Rules to see this glitch. Now enter Area 51: Infiltration and complete all the objectives. In the end cinema, Jonathan doesn't have a gun, but a bullet still kills the guard he thinks he shoots.

Jonathan speaks after he dies in A51 Escape
On Area 51: Escape, do everything like usual until the part where Jonathan tries to blow a hole in the wall for you. Instead of letting him do this, pop a cap in him about 5 seconds before you think he's done. As he lies on the ground, he still says, "Okay, stand back."

Man hands
Let's compare the hands of Joanna when she is holding both the Dosotovei (CC13) and the PP7 (PP9I). Her hands are normal size when she is holding the Dosotovei, but her hands are way bigger and more manlier when she holds the PP7. Look at those monsters! The only explanation for this glitch is that it was another oversight by Rare.

Mutiliate Cassandra for the Extraction cinema scene!
If you can defeat all of Cassandra's bodyguards at the end of dataDyne: Extraction and catch up with Cassandra right before she gets outside the building, you can totally screw up the end cinema. Take a few shots with your CMP150 right into her dome, causing her body to appear bloodied in the cinema. Try experimenting by throwing a few proximity mines onto the corner where Dr. Caroll arrives. Joanna will still act as if it is still there!

No Skedar for you!
You would think that the second human player would play as a Skedar in Counter-Op for the Skedar Ruins, right? Nope! Instead of playing as a warlike alien, the second player only gets to play as Mr. Blonde. Just think of all the fun that we could have had clawing each other to death!

Proximity Mine 'Threat Detector' gltich
To see a major glitch with the proximity mines, put on the All Guns and Unlimited Ammo, No Reloads cheat. Go into any mission you want. Since you don't have unlimited ammo and don't have to 'reload,' you can chuck hundreds of proxies at once. This is what I want you to do. Throw at least a hundred proximity mines by continually holding down the Z button. Then change to 'Threat Detector.' Now hold down the Z button with the Threat Detector and Joanna acts like she is trying to throw proximity mines, even though you're on Threat Detector!

Punching CI employees
Go to the Device Training Labs and play any exercise you wish. Once you're in a Device mission, you have free will to punch anything you like. Try punching the employees in the offices. Moreover, if you punch an employee anywhere below the belt, that body part won't react. Only their upper torso reacts to your fists. When you punch them, look at how their body moves-doesn't it look awkward?

Replace Elvis as a Shocktrooper in Challenges
If you can't beat a challenge with Elvis as your enemy, simply remove the Expansion Pak. By doing this, the extra opponents are disabled. Instead, a shocktrooper takes the place of the alien, making the battle a lot easier to contend with.

Skedar Ruins gorge trick
This glitch is really helpful if you're trying for the All Guns cheat. Make your way to the big cliff area and climb down the ladder. Move left along the side of the gorge, hugging the wall. Keep walking even when you're off the cliff. The game will glitch up by taking you to where you activate the bridge.

Such terrible aim, Jonathan!
This is another one of Rare's laughable mistakes. In The Duel, Jonathan will never be able to hit you with his fire. It's not that his aim is off, it's because Rare forgot to make Jonathan an enemy, instead of an ally. You can see this by targeting him with your Falcon 2. He will be highlighted in blue, rather than the usual red color for enemies. Watch out, however, because Jonathan can punch you!

Too much at one time
Don't even try this glitch unless you want to freeze your game some more. Well if you do, simply wait until the end of a match, launch many explosives, and then activate a Combat Boost. Once the game is over, the game will freeze!

Trent missing from 'Blonde Freak' cinema scene
Go into the Cinema menu and select 'Blonde Freak.' When you watch the scene, Trent Easton is not there, like he usually is. Trent, where are you?!

Unlock secret rooms in dataDyne Extraction
Here's a glitch I'm sure everyone knows! Load dataDyne Extraction on the solo missions. As soon as you begin, make a mad dash to the foyer elevator. On the first floor that it comes to, go out and turn right. There will be a guard walking away from you. Kill him and grab Cassandra's office key card. But instead of opening Cassandra's office, go all the way to the bottom floor. You can open up the front door to the city, and another door that was never meant to open. If you go outside, there will be a black void of death awaiting. But if you go to the previously locked door, you will find a strange sighting. There are two female guards, Mr. Blonde, and some ammo in this room. You cannot hurt them in any way, but you can bloody them with your CMP150. As I'm sure you know, they are they to make the cinema easier to load at the end of the level.

Note: it is recommended that you play Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine to see where the shadow is. This glitch only works with War!

-Submitted by

Walking On Walls
In the pipes, there are walls that you can walk on. They are the orange-reddish looking walls. This may be a glitch, but it sure is fun to use this secret as a hiding place. One major spot to walk on is in the room that has the lift. Instead of walking straight when arriving on the second floor, turn around and stand on a small platform that has ammo and a gun there. Now fall. While in the air, hold the control stick back and you'll be on a wall that is about 10-15 feet from the ground. You can also jump from other places in the level to walk on walls. So far, I have walked on two of the walls in major areas. Some of the bottom floors don't have walls able to walk on. But as you get higher, it's easier to jump from a walkway and land on a wall. You cannot jump from a wall on one side of the room to the other. It's too big of a jump. This secret is great to use for hiding from your friends and shooting unsuspecting passerbys.

Weird noise coming from CI windows
Go into the Carrington Institute with the All Guns cheat on. Take out your Crossbow and aim it directly at the glass windows above (where the CI statue sits). You will hear a clanking noise coming from above. I don't know what this is, but you better believe it's a glitch!

Weird noises in Airforce One
I dont know if this works very often and this glitch is very rare, so i was just fooling around the air force one airplane stage and then when I got onto the cockpit i used a tranqulizer(all guns mode)and shot the auto-pilot switch and suddenly the noise started to be stasic and i heard unsual noises and voices such as "kill her","die joanna",and i think the last sound was muffled and it sounded like joanna saying "it is forever"then after that everything was back to normal. Weird but cool so try it

-Submitted by Shenron

X-Ray CamSpy
Activate the X-Ray scanner and go into any level where there is a CamSpy, DrugSpy, or BombSpy (dD: Research will do fine). Put on the X-Ray scanner. Hold down A to go to the quick-select menu. Highlight the CamSpy (or Drug or Bomb). Now your CamSpy can see through walls!

X-Ray cinema scenes
To see a cinema scene in X-Ray mode, use the X-Ray scanner cheat and enter any solo mission. Turn the X-Ray Scanner on and abort the mission. Now, replay the same mission and the opening cinema will play in X-Ray vision!

Laptop Firing Range trick
If you're having trouble beating some of the weapon training exercises in the firing range, this trick could help. Go into the firing range and select the Laptop Gun on any difficulty (bronze, silver, or gold). Set the gun to the secondary feature (sentry gun) and press Z to deploy the gun, but as soon as you let go of the gun, press Start and "Abort" the exercise. Immediately press start again and choose whatever gun you are having trouble with. The Laptop gun should deploy against the wall, shooting the targets for you in a different weapon exercise (whichever one you selected).


Creating Perfection


Crystal Cube
Perfect Dark 2
Perfect Dark Saga
Q's Laboratory
Become One


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